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View Full Version : Black Ash Burl HF

David E Keller
05-15-2011, 10:55 PM
Here's another straight forward HF turned from a lovely piece of black ash burl... This is more of the wood that I bought from Cory Norgart. This one is about 5 inches in diameter and just BLO at this point. The walls are about 1/8th inch thick, and it was turned green to final thickness... I'm hoping that the surface gets all wrinkly and interesting.


Comments, criticism, and suggestions appreciated.

Hayes Rutherford
05-15-2011, 11:11 PM
Wow David , you certainly have been productive. My only criticism is you are turning too many hollow forms and it makes me feel lazy. Another nice piece!

Steve Schlumpf
05-15-2011, 11:49 PM
Very nice form and the wood is amazing! Really like the contrast! Keep up the good work!

Roger Chandler
05-15-2011, 11:59 PM
David..........I really like your orientation of the grain on this piece....of course, nice form as well!

Michael James
05-16-2011, 12:10 AM
Beautiful chunk of wood there, looks like it has the potential to go haywire on you..... you might get your wish!

Scott Hackler
05-16-2011, 12:29 AM
Another great one, David. That wood is great and I am sure Cory is going to get some business from me in St Paul!

Dan Forman
05-16-2011, 3:19 AM
Form and wood are top notch. Love that flowing white river.


Michelle Rich
05-16-2011, 5:11 AM
very lovely burl. (great advertizing for Cory) super HF

Russell Eaton
05-16-2011, 7:04 AM
Another beautiful piece of art. I like the grain on this piece.

charlie knighton
05-16-2011, 7:08 AM
very nice, thanks for sharing

Roland Martin
05-16-2011, 7:28 AM
Very nice piece of ash, David. "very careful with the spelling":D. Seriously, very nice form and burl.

Cory Norgart
05-16-2011, 7:32 AM
Wow Keller, you just dont stop, do you?:) Once again, beautiful job, and with a quickness:)

John Keeton
05-16-2011, 7:49 AM
David, another nice one! I certainly hope that crack doesn't open up on this one - otherwise, some "wrinkles" would be an interesting result! These pieces are some of the first ash burl I have seen turned - it has a lot of character and seems to have different features than maple and cherry burls. Always interesting to see pieces from different areas.

Quinn McCarthy
05-16-2011, 9:14 AM
Black ash is always one of my favorites. Wonderful job one the vase too.


bob svoboda
05-16-2011, 9:31 AM
Another really nice piece, David.

Tim Rinehart
05-16-2011, 9:42 AM
David, beautiful form and orientation. I have been sitting on a piece of BAB for some time...hmmm, perhaps time to get it out. As said by Hayes, you're making me feel lazy too. I really enjoy hollowing, but don't do as much as I'd like it seems.
Wrinkles...so you like them burl wrinkles...I'm so tossed on them. I did a madrone burl piece and couldn't wait to final sand it when the wrinkles came. I guess 'to each his own'....I haven't warmed up to them yet.
Keep us posted on this one if it does wrinkle up a bit.

Jim Burr
05-16-2011, 10:24 AM
That is some cool looking burl doc...should be fun to watch!

Baxter Smith
05-16-2011, 12:01 PM
Another great looking HF David. Just curious, but since you seem to be a burl collector, how many different species do you think you have turned?

David DeCristoforo
05-16-2011, 1:23 PM
Ho hum... another gorgeous turning. Nothing but a perfect form flawlessly executed out of a spectacular piece of wood. How do you expect anyone to find anything to criticize? Scheech!

John Hart
05-16-2011, 4:22 PM
You must promise to re-post this in about 2 months. I wanna see it after its done its pruning thing. ;)

David E Keller
05-16-2011, 4:37 PM
Thanks for the comments folks... It's just darn pretty wood.

Very nice piece of ash, David. "very careful with the spelling":D. Seriously, very nice form and burl.

Duly noted on the spelling issue!:D

David, another nice one! I certainly hope that crack doesn't open up on this one - otherwise, some "wrinkles" would be an interesting result! These pieces are some of the first ash burl I have seen turned - it has a lot of character and seems to have different features than maple and cherry burls. Always interesting to see pieces from different areas.

Thanks, John. The crack is a frost crack, and they seem to be pretty stable in my limited experience. You're right about the BA being different... The grain of the normal wood is so much more pronounced which really changes the look of the burl. I'll keep my fingers crossed on the crack.

...how many different species do you think you have turned?

A bunch! Since I started turning pens, I really tried to get my hands on as many different woods as I could. One of the benefits of pen turning is that so many timbers and burls are unavailable or prohibitively expensive in larger sizes, but pen blanks are another story. I'd guess 150 or 200 different burls or exotics have succumbed to a tool in my shop, but the majority of those where 3/4" sticks used for pens.

You must promise to re-post this in about 2 months. I wanna see it after its done its pruning thing. ;)

Yes, sir! Will do. I've actually got a couple of things that I'm hoping will go all wrinkly, so maybe I'll post a group shot of them. It'll be like seeing a bunch of old people naked... All weird and wrinkly.

Cathy Schaewe
05-16-2011, 6:58 PM
That is some gorgeous wood, and you did a nice job with it. If it does get 'old and wrinkly', I hope you'll remember to post more pics -

Steve Campbell
05-16-2011, 7:10 PM
I just got done rough turning some black ash the other day. It sure doesn't look anything like that. Of course it isn't a burl. I love that piece..............


Lupe Duncan
05-16-2011, 11:07 PM
Excellent work David.

Curt Fuller
05-16-2011, 11:38 PM
Keller, you're on an incredible roll. I'm with Hart on this one, I want to see what time does to it. What are you doing with all this gorgeous work anyway. There's got to be a gallery or something that has a spot for your name on the marquee.