View Full Version : Coffee Scoops - Ruth Niles Style

Tim Thiebaut
05-15-2011, 7:52 AM
Found a very fun use for some of the smaller pieces of wood we always seem to end up with, the one on the far left is the first one I did...it didnt have quite enough flair on the upper lip that I wanted so I made sure on the rest to get a good flair on the lip. The first 3 are a combo of walnut and maple, the 4th is Olive wood...(My wife claimed this one instantly)..., the 5th is Osage Orange. The handles are approx "5 long. No finish at all on these just Beall Buffed...(I finaly got a chance to use it!!!)...the inside will have a food safe finish once I find some localy here, or order some online.

Rex Guinn
05-15-2011, 8:42 AM
Tim, they are really neat and useful, how did you do the cup holder?

John Keeton
05-15-2011, 8:56 AM
Tim, you did a nice job on these. I particularly like the maple/walnut combos.

Brian Libby
05-15-2011, 9:07 AM
Great looking scoops.I like the use of combo woods.

Greg Just
05-15-2011, 9:40 AM
Very nice - I have wanted to try making some of these. Really like the contrasting colors.

David E Keller
05-15-2011, 10:20 AM
Very nice, Tim. I haven't seen these before, but I really like the design. The arrangement in the first photo is nice as well. Kudos.

Curt Fuller
05-15-2011, 10:33 AM
Great looking scoops Tim. I like the nice details on the handles.

Steve Schlumpf
05-15-2011, 11:58 AM
Wow - nice work on all of these! Really like your wood combinations!

Everything I have read says that any finish, once cured, is food safe.

Tim Thiebaut
05-15-2011, 12:00 PM
Wow - nice work on all of these! Really like your wood combinations!

Everything I have read says that any finish, once cured, is food safe.

I didnt know that Steve, that is good to know! Thanks for all of the kind words, these were a lot of fun to turn, I can see myself making more of these in the future.

@ Rex - Here is a free tutorial from Ruth herself on how she makes these, it is in PDF format.

Roger Chandler
05-15-2011, 2:27 PM
Good good good stuff! Cute, functional and probably will be a good amount of sales for these.

Baxter Smith
05-15-2011, 2:44 PM
Nice color and styles Tim. Useful is always good!

David DeCristoforo
05-15-2011, 4:38 PM
I can see why your wife grabbed the olive wood one. These are very "artistic" and the only thing better than art is useful art! And anything having to do with coffee goes to the top of my "interest list"...

John W Dixon
05-15-2011, 6:11 PM
Wow these are really cool.

Mike Peace
05-16-2011, 3:22 PM
Nice scoops, Tim. They are fun to make.

For those who may be interested, I have an article coming out in the August issue of Woodturning Design on doing these Ruth Nile type scoops.

Tim Thiebaut
05-16-2011, 6:22 PM
Nice scoops, Tim. They are fun to make.

For those who may be interested, I have an article coming out in the August issue of Woodturning Design on doing these Ruth Nile type scoops.

Thanks everyone!

@ Mike - I was browsing the member gallerys a couple weeks ago and I saw the ones you made Mike, that is what kind of got me to looking around and researching them, then I found Ruth's instructions, and I was off, so you were a big inspiration for these Mike, thanks!

Steve Campbell
05-16-2011, 6:57 PM
Those are really neat and the combinations of wood just make them that much better. I bet they would sell fast.
