View Full Version : Hemlock trestle table advice

Kim and Chris Heinis
05-13-2011, 12:50 PM
I was thinking of making a sort of rustic table out of a bunch of hemlock I have. I want it to seat 10. Any advice on working with Hemlock

Terry Beadle
05-13-2011, 1:06 PM
If you are going to use nails, be sure to pre-drill the holes as it will some times split unpredictably.

You will need a good finish on it as it's not as resistant to rot as say cypress or red cedar.

It machines well but a sharp tool makes less work.

Make sure the stock you buy is really dry as it holds more moisture than you would think.

Fried chicken sit well on it....hoot! Enjoy the process and be sure to post some pictures !

Dave Lewis
05-13-2011, 9:33 PM
We have a few hemlock stands on our 58 acres. While rot-resistant, it tends to split and spall. We had several white pine incorporated in our timber frmae house in 2004. Our timber framer refused to work with hemlock. Don't wiat for it to dry out- verry hard then.

I use it for racks that stay outside in the rain - watch out for current & future splinters. Not my pick for a table.

Kim and Chris Heinis
05-14-2011, 12:14 AM
I have a ton of it from a barn floor. It is all about 2 inchs thick. I ripped it up 7 years ago and stacked it in another barn. It has ben dry and is definately ready to use. It must of been on the barn floor for years. If it isn't split yet what are th chances it will once made into finished material? I figure it won't take long to plane a few boards to see what they look like

James Patrick
05-16-2011, 1:15 PM
I like this idea of using hemlock for a table. I've always had a soft spot for rustic looking furniture (http://www.amishfurniturefactory.com/mission-furniture/). I hope it turns out well for you. Hopefully you'll post some pictures when it's done!