View Full Version : My second NAF(Native American flute)

Ron Stadler
05-12-2011, 6:19 PM
Well this is my second Native American style flute, I decided to add some feathers and beads to this one and also added them to the first flute as well. This one has a little bit thinner walls than the first which was a little smaller than intended but it still plays well. The main body is made from maple and the bird or block as they call it is from Paduuk. I'm kind of excited about making these and you'll probably see a lot more of these in the future. Anyway here's the New one.:D


Tim Thiebaut
05-12-2011, 6:39 PM
I love these, I think you are doing a fantastic job on them, and the added feathers and beads go well with it. Did you find a tutorial somewhere or are you just winging it? Either way good job.

Richard Jones
05-12-2011, 7:30 PM
Cool! I would like to do some of those for the granddaughters for sure. Time to do some googling, and any help you can offer is welcome.....

Really nice, thanks for sharing.


Mark Hazelden
05-12-2011, 8:02 PM

I like this one also. Been practicing your playing any?

Bill Wyko
05-12-2011, 8:27 PM
That is really cool. I wish we could listen to it. Nice work.

Steve Schlumpf
05-12-2011, 9:30 PM
Nice work on this also Ron! Really like the soft curves - everything just seems to flow! Looking forward to seeing more of these!

David E Keller
05-12-2011, 10:16 PM
I think these are really cool, Ron. What's the story behind the 1st and 4th holes(first picture counting from the left)?... They seem to have dark rims around them. Very cool piece.

Curt Fuller
05-12-2011, 10:24 PM
Ron, these flutes are just beautiful! I've really enjoyed seeing them.

Ron Stadler
05-14-2011, 8:33 PM
Sorry, a little late in getting back with a response. But know Iv'e done my homework on these and have found a lot of valueable information on the net, on making the flutes, as far as the dark rings on the two holes I drilled them a little two big the first time around and plugged them up with a 3/8 walnut doll rod I had and redrilled them, probably would have looked a little better with something lighter in color, but it really don't look to bad. I might even use this concept on one of my next flutes to decorate the holes by putting a dark ring around them or vice versa. Thanks for all the comments though, these are kind of an addiction for me as well as the turning.