View Full Version : So how big are your......clamps

Jim Terrill
05-11-2011, 6:18 PM
Given the deal on the Jorgensen cabinet master clamps (see the deals and discounts thread) and the fact that I am building a couple of sofas right now, I picked up 6 48" clamps to make the back, even though I only needed 36" clamps, simply because the extra $4.50 after discount from HD for the extra foot seemed like a good deal. But I was looking to see what everyone else thinks. Do you have a mix, as long as you can own, whatever you get a deal on, etc.

For the record, I have a couple of 5' pipe clamps, a couple of 10' pipe clamps, 4 24" quick grip clamps, 4 lighter 24" bar clamps, a dozen or so 12" quick grips and some other clamps I use less.

Bruce Page
05-11-2011, 7:18 PM
I have more 24’’ than anything else. My longest and least used are 60” (nice to have when you do need them). I typically buy what I need as I need them but I always buy at least 4 at a time.

Paul McGaha
05-11-2011, 7:59 PM
I voted for building a mix.

I started my clamp supply with (12) 24", (12) 36"m and (12) 48".

Half of my clamps are Jorgenson Cabinetmasters and the other half are lighter weight Jorgenson aluminum bar clamps. I only use the aluminum clamps if all the cabinetmasters are in use.


John Lanciani
05-11-2011, 8:17 PM
I hate using clamps that are too big so I buy what I need, not just what is on sale or cheap. My most used clamps are the 24" k-bodies, I have 20 and at times it is not enough. the 12" k's are also very handy and I also have 4 that were 24" and I cut them to 16" and they get used all the time, too.


Mike Wellner
05-11-2011, 10:46 PM
Type of project, and long enough for glue up

Norm Ross
05-12-2011, 2:43 AM

What are you hanging your clamps on and where did you get it? Looks like a great way to store them easily.


Frank Drew
05-12-2011, 9:51 AM
It's almost axiomatic that you never have enough clamps; as I'm sure many here, I've had glue ups that took just about every clamp in the shop.

If you'll be doing a variety of work, there will be times when you need some long clamps, like 6-8' long (or more).

Ryan Hellmer
05-12-2011, 11:03 AM
I find the 24-36" most useful, too short and you never use them, too long and they're a hassle. I have a bunch of HF aluminum bar clamps (4-24", 8-36", 4-48" and 6-60") that I got on sale. They work great for light panel and case construction. My biggest pet peave is that the measurements listed are bar length and not actual clamping capacity, so the 24's only clamp about 21 inches...argh! I also have 4-24" and 2- 50" K-bodys that are my favorite in the whole world. If money was no issue I'd buy at least a couple dozen. I also have an assortment of irwin quick-grip types from 6"-36" they are good for just holding something together while I reach for the K-body or the impact driver. The last bit is a few dozen C-clamps and spring clamps. Invaluable little buggers.

My clamping philosophy is that you can't have too many. I like mid-size easy to use clamps and the parallel's rule the roost. I have had situations where virtually every clamp in my arsenal was in use. Now I just need to get my storage system up to snuff like the photos above.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot all the jorgensen F-style and 3/4" pipe clamps. Every one of them hase a use.


Larry Fox
05-12-2011, 12:26 PM
I have mostly K-bodies and also try avoid using clamps that are longer than I need for a particular glueup. I have a mix of 60", 32", 24" (I have the most of these), and 12". The 60" ones only tend to get used when I have a large piece or have something that it going to require every clamp in the shop and when that happens I try and use the 60" ones first to get them out of the way.

David Hostetler
05-12-2011, 12:29 PM
I have F style bar clamps in 6, 12, 24, and 36". After that, I have 48" and 72" pipes for my 3/4" pipe clamps. I get the most use out of my 6" clamps.

Bruce Page
05-12-2011, 1:45 PM
Norm, it’s a piece of 4”x 6”x 3/8” 6061 aluminum angle, 8’ long that I machined slots into.
http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?9464-Clamp-Racks (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?9464-Clamp-Racks&highlight=lots+o+slots)

Gary Herrmann
05-12-2011, 5:18 PM
Other. I bought a bunch of clamps several years back when Lowes was closing them out all over town at prices just too good to pass up. The next year Bessey had their 150th (or 175th?) anniversary and there was another great sale. I have some of each size of the kbodys. Including 4 98" that I picked up for a total of $84 including shipping during the anniversary sale. So far, I've had what I need, but sometimes I do have to use longer ones than I'd like.