View Full Version : PRL V2 router lift?

John Kali
05-09-2011, 2:47 PM
Why is it cheaper on incras sight? I would think that it would be cheaper on woodpeckers sight since it is their lift. I can only assume that they are joint companies because woodpeckers is offering incras LS Joinery system for less than incra has it...Are there any coupons/sales discounts available for this lift and/or fence system?

Also while I have your attention, are there any other lifts that I should consider? I have read only good things about the PRL V2.

Chuong Nguyen
05-09-2011, 2:56 PM
I don't know why it's cheaper on Incra site, but I have the Incra version and it is a really nice lift. I like the fact that the Incra version uses magna lock plates on rare earth magnets. Make removing and installing very simple and simple to level as well.
also, i believe Incra has a 10% off everything coupong that actually expires today or tomorrow. not sure. I believe the code is SAVETEN.

Victor Robinson
05-09-2011, 3:05 PM
Incra's version (with the magnetic plates) is better IMHO, and yes, $270 + shipping on that lift is a pretty decent deal. It's probably cheaper because Incra's plates are cheaper for whatever manufacturing reason...

John Kali
05-09-2011, 3:14 PM
Thanks for the info, I think I will go with the incra one!

Ray DuBose
05-10-2011, 1:10 PM
carbide processors inc sells the woodpecker PRL2 for $299. Woodpeckers Re brands their lifts for Incra, Kreg and Pinnacle. I think the Incra one is the only one that is different from the rest. I've had both the PRL and PRL2 and enjoy them both.