View Full Version : Mobil Library - Drozda DVD's Available

Roger Chandler
05-09-2011, 11:33 AM
The Cindy Drozda DVD's in the mobil library are now available for the next person. There are 2 DVD's:

"Elegant Finials" and "Finial Star"

Both are really helpful in showing techniques for finials.

The first person who posts wanting these is the one to get them next and must follow the rules of the library which are below:

Mobil Library -SMC

The rules are:

1. Loans are restricted to Contributors of SMC, and I would expect that policy to be honored by others that may come into possession of these DVDs. If you aren't a Contributor, then pay the $6 and have an opportunity to borrow these DVDs, and others that may be available by other creekers.
2. This DVD will be marked with the owners name. While he does not ever expect them back in his possession, should the interest in borrowing these cease, he would appreciate the individual holding them at the time sending him a PM for his address and returning them.
3. The DVDs should be cared for properly so they can be shared with others.
4. I will mail the DVD or DVDs to any Contributor wanting them for viewing. That person will diligently watch them to the extent they feel it takes to absorb the material, and then the holder shall promplty post a thread similar to this one seeking another interested individual. The person shipping shall bear the cost of shipping each time the DVDs change possession.
5. This arrangement is based solely on the honor system. They have been very helpful to me, and I hope they will help others. But, that can only happen if we have honest participation in this arrangement. If it doesn't work, then it is no great loss to me economically, but it will certainly be a disappointment to me.
6. SMC is not involved in this at all, has no liability, and this entire arrangement is voluntary on my part. I accept the risk of loss of the DVDs, and in no way intend to hold the owners/administrators/moderators of SMC liable in any way in the event of loss.
7. There will be no "waiting list", and each time the DVD is offered for loan, a new thread shall be posted, and the first contributor posting in the thread gets the DVD.

Please send me a PM with your contact info and mailing address. You must agree to pass these DVD's on per the rules when you are finished viewing them.

mickey cassiba
05-09-2011, 11:39 AM
Sending PM Now!!

Roger Chandler
05-09-2011, 11:45 AM
Sending PM Now!!

Mickey..........got your PM, and I will ship the DVD's to you within a few days.......enjoy.........they are helpful to increase your skills!

mickey cassiba
05-09-2011, 11:50 AM
Thank you sir...I look forward to viewing them.

David E Keller
05-09-2011, 12:14 PM
doh! I've been looking for these!

Roger Chandler
05-09-2011, 2:36 PM
doh! I've been looking for these!

David.......I knew you wanted these, but I am bound by the rules to follow them.........I hope you can get them next........they are good, especially as it relates to how she does such elegant finial work. Keep an eye out for Mickey's post when he gets through viewing them.

mickey cassiba
05-09-2011, 8:01 PM
Should only take a few years to absorb the info:) Actually I've got a pretty short attention span...shouldn't be but a week or so.

Roger Chandler
05-10-2011, 2:31 PM

The DVD's went out today priority mail.......flat rate box. Should be to you in about 3 days!

David E Keller
05-10-2011, 3:46 PM
Should only take a few years to absorb the info:) Actually I've got a pretty short attention span...shouldn't be but a week or so.

Take your time, Mickey. The odds of me being the quick draw next time are pretty slim. I plan on doing this turning stuff until I'm too old to hold a tool, so I'm sure I'll see the DVDs at some point. There are others on here who are much closer to that stage in life than I am.