View Full Version : More tornado wood - but what is it?

Kelvin Burton
05-07-2011, 6:24 PM
Another friend at work had trees felled by the tornadoes that passed through last week and I was able to get some today. I'm trying to identify this wood. It looks like maybe Ashleaf Maple / Boxedler or maybe Green Ash? Anybody out there who can give me a positive ID? I'm just looking up web sites since I have not had any of this before.


John Keeton
05-07-2011, 6:32 PM
Looks like beech to me, but the leaf seems a little elongated.


Fred Belknap
05-07-2011, 8:55 PM
I'm thinking birch.

Dan Forman
05-08-2011, 3:51 AM
Looks like some of that there mystery wood to me. :)

The bark doesn't look right for boxelder, or birch to me, wish I could be more help. Hope it turns well for you.


Dick Strauss
05-08-2011, 10:37 AM
I don't think it is box elder...given the white wood, smooth bark, and pointed leaves, maybe it is some sort of holly?

Cody Colston
05-08-2011, 12:32 PM

Was this a yard tree? I ask because it doesn't look like any native tree that that I know about (although I certainly don't know them all). I'm pretty sure it's not Birch, Box Elder or Ash. The bark looks similar to the picture of Beech that John posted but I didn't think Beech grew around here.

Hope it turns well for you.

Kelvin Burton
05-08-2011, 7:00 PM

It was in a yard (4 of them) but out in the country beside the tree farm on Hwy 314, south of Van. However, ther's an entire hedgerow / shelter belt of the same trees down the boundary of the property, most likely planted by the tree farm to protect their young trees. I'm beginning to lean toward the "some variet of Holly" theory, because I had two local people suggest that last night and the leaf color and "shine" looks more like the pictures of Holly I've seen online (minus the spikes).

Craig Powers
05-09-2011, 12:45 AM
Knowing East Texas trees fairly well, I'm having trouble with this one too. The problem I see with the Holly idea is that the leaf you show is
either one compound leaf(or part of it) or the leaves are opposite one another. Either way, it's not holly or beech. Looks like it's a compound leaf to me.
What may help is to take another pic of the leaves coming off the twig. That way you can tell if there arrangement is opposite or alternate and that will
at least narrow down the choices. I'm leaning toward a non-native. My .02.

David E Keller
05-09-2011, 1:09 AM
I'm not a tree expert, but it looks like some type of ash to me. The wood itself looks like ash, and the leaves resemble some ash leaves as well. Where's Leo when we need him?

Stephen Walker
05-09-2011, 2:34 AM
My guess is Black Ash. According to my tree book, it fits the closest.

Dan Forman
05-09-2011, 3:47 AM
If it was elm, I could probably tell you that it was elm. :D
