View Full Version : What a Day!

Kathy Marshall
05-06-2011, 1:12 AM
Got a couple great gloats and some not so great news, but 1st....

A WARNING FOR JOHN KEETON! I have posted 1 pic that you may find disturbing! View pic #3 at your own risk! :eek:

I'll start with the good...
Got home from work to find a large flat rate box sitting by the door :D Opened it up and found a very nice half log of nice green Black Walnut from Doug Swanson! Doug was in town this past winter and I sent some mesquite and sumac home with him. His thanks was more than enough, so this walnut is just gravy, rich, dark, yummy gravy!
Thanks Doug! Can't wait to dig in.


Starting to get a little warm here in Phoenix. Got to 99 today so I thought it's about time to install the A/C unit my sister got for me. Took a couple hours to cut a hole in the trailer, used my circular saw to cut through the plywood wall on the inside, and used my hand held grinder to cut through the aluminum skin on the outside and a steel strut sandwiched between them. The hardest part was lifting the darn thing into the hole (it's heavier than it looks!). Plugged her in and was rewarded with a stream of nice cold air. Gonna be turning in comfort this summer! :D

Still had a bit of energy left after the A/C install, so decided it was time for a little clean-up. When the pile of shavings I'm standing on starts putting the spindle height around hip level or below, then it's time to clean up. Might not look like it in the pic, but I've been standing on about a 5" platform of shavings! :eek: Was getting late, so I'll have to finish it up tomorrow.

The good stuff came at just the right time, found out today that I'm going to need surgery sometime in the next few weeks :( It means a minimum of a week away from the shop and likely longer (haven't talked to the Dr about recovery time yet). At least I'll have plenty of time to read and post. Wish me luck!

Dan Forman
05-06-2011, 3:32 AM
Kathy --- Sorry to hear about the surgery, hope all goes well and you can get back at it soon. Congrat's on getting the AC installed, ought to make things MUCH nicer out there for the summer. That's some pile of shavings you got there, enough to give someone we know the heeby jeebies if he dares to look. :)


John Hart
05-06-2011, 5:32 AM
What amazes me is how long you have worked in that trailer in the Arizona sun without AC up to this point. I lived in Mesa for a few months once and I just can't wrap my head around that. But, Congratulations!! I can't see how it'll improve your work, as you make such wonderful pieces...but it sure sounds more comfortable.

Heal quick!

Keith E Byrd
05-06-2011, 6:38 AM
AC is awesome - I can't imagine working in AZ without it!
Prayers for your quick healing!

John Keeton
05-06-2011, 7:36 AM
Kathy, it is just way too early to look at such a disgusting sight!!!:eek: I am horrified at absolute pigsty in which you work! I think I need conduct some classes on proper shop cleanup!:cool::rolleyes:;)

Great looking piece of walnut, and you will love working with it. I have a box going out to you today with some goodies in it, as well, though it sounds like you will be out of commission for awhile - hope you do well with the surgery and recover quickly. At least you can sit in a nice, cool shop and contemplate the next beautiful piece!

Dick Wilson
05-06-2011, 7:36 AM
Kathy, We all wish you the best regarding your surgery. I sure hope you get better fast so you can start piling up the shavings again. Yes, the third picture will be very disturbing to John and might put him in a catatonic tailspin.

Roland Martin
05-06-2011, 7:42 AM
Wishing you the best with the surgery and a quick healing process.

Tim Thiebaut
05-06-2011, 7:46 AM
Kathy sorry to hear about your surgery, that is quite the pile of sawdust you have there! My mom lives just south of Phoenix now and the couple of times I have visited her I couldnt believe the heat, how you have managed to turn in a trailer under that sun without an air conditionier is beyond me, glad you have one now though....I get hot when its above 60 though so thats just me, I do better in snow!

David E Keller
05-06-2011, 8:16 AM
Here's hoping that your surgery and recovery are uneventful.

Great gloat on the AC... I can't imagine turning without it in the summer. Nice looking chunk of walnut too!

Doug W Swanson
05-06-2011, 8:28 AM
Enjoy the Walnut! I just picked up a few nice hunks so I wanted to share. I'm sure you will turn it into something beautiful!

I totally understand the need for AC in Phoenix. I was there in August a few years ago making some shelves for my in-laws. I ended up putting on 3 coats of poly in about 4 hours. That would have taken me 3 days in Minnesota...

Good luck with the surgery. I'll be sending good thoughts your way....

Michael James
05-06-2011, 9:37 AM
Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Holler out if you need anything.

bob svoboda
05-06-2011, 9:49 AM
Congrat's on the AC and the great pile of shavings! Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.

Bernie Weishapl
05-06-2011, 10:27 AM
Kathy that is a great looking piece of walnut. Good luck on your surgery and I send my best wishes for your speedy recovery. Oh and now that is my kind of shop.;):rolleyes::cool:

Roger Chandler
05-06-2011, 10:37 AM
Here's wishing you a speedy recovery with no complications and a speedy return to the lathe!

Jim Adkins
05-06-2011, 1:59 PM
Good luck on the medical downtime, nice piece of Walnut. Once upon a time I saw a sign in someone's shop that read...."A clean shop is a sure sign of a sick mind"

Baxter Smith
05-06-2011, 9:29 PM
Hope you have a speedy recovery! Enjoy your AC!

Jeff Nicol
05-06-2011, 10:26 PM
Kathy, We both have the same cleaning service, one that never shows up on time! I think that some chips and dust give the shop that worked in look and lets everyone that stops by that you need a little break from all the hard work, and hopefully they bring coffee and a danish or something!

Good wood from a great guy and take care and recover quickly from the surgery,


Kathy Marshall
05-07-2011, 1:59 AM
Thanks for the well wishes everyone!

Tested out the a/c today and it was sweet, I foresee an active summer of turning :)
Here's the funny thing, used the a/c in the shop but still haven't turned on the a/c in the house lol. Lucky for me I'm fairly comfortable as long as it's below 90.

John....you'll be happy to know I removed another 7-8 bags of shavings and I was standing on the actual floor while turning tonight. Might even have a go at the bandsaw area tomorrow ;)

Donny Lawson
05-07-2011, 7:25 AM
Same here.,I wish you the best and hope you get back up and running soon.

cal thelen
05-07-2011, 7:34 AM
Nice Chunk of walnut. Good luck on the surgery hope all goes well and recovery is quick.

Michelle Rich
05-07-2011, 8:43 AM
Good luck with the medical issues..keep your eye on the prize. While you are recovering dream up new pieces..keep a paper pad near you & doodle..never know what's festering in your brain that will be wonderous for us all to behold. Good luck

Cathy Schaewe
05-07-2011, 6:14 PM
Nice hunk-o-walnut! I'm happy for you with the new a/c.

Best of luck on the surgery. Keep us all posted -

mickey cassiba
05-07-2011, 6:39 PM
Kathy, I'm proud of the AC...I grew up between Yuma and San Diego. Some folks just don't realize what 'hot' is.
Hope the surgery turns out well. After all the prayers offered by this crew, I've a couple to spare...they're yours!
Let the cleaning fairy take care of the shop, just watch her...she likes to hide stuff.
Oh yeah...nice piece of walnut.