View Full Version : Working with very hard woods (Angelim Pedra)

Jim Matthews
05-05-2011, 8:32 AM
Last weekend was the Downes and Reader Spring clearance in Stoughton, MA.

I picked up more wood than I need, to get a few choice pieces.
($200 for 850 bf) The teak boards in the stash are worth more than my cost.

I also picked up ten 4 foot lengths of Angelim Pedra to rebuild my backyard bench.

This stuff is amazingly dense, and hard. These are excellent wear qualities but might be beyond my tool kit to cut, let alone shape.

Has anyone a suggestion on handling particularly hard wood like this?

Drill bit suggestions would be most appreciated.http://www.floormall.com/janka-rating-wood-species/angelim-pedra-species-janka-rating.php

david brum
05-05-2011, 9:34 AM
According to the Janka chart, it isn't quite as hard as Ipe, so the same rules should apply. Use sharp carbide blades and predrill any holes prior to using screws. Expect your blades to get dull fairly quickly. Watch out for exposure to saw dust as it could be an irritant.

BTW, you definitely suck for that deal. .25 per bf? What kinds of species did you get?

Dick Holt
05-05-2011, 1:25 PM
I had wanted to go to that sale, but had to help my daughter move. Was the sale any good? I wanted to get some cherry and lyptus (never used lyptus before). Prices were really good. Is the quality of the wood good, or is it just leftover stuff they couldn't sell ? Many people there? Did they sell out early?


Jim Matthews
05-05-2011, 8:11 PM
The quality of the bundled lots was excellent.
The 8/4 cherry was $2.65 a board foot, and there wasn't a straight board without sapwood.

They've got loads of Lyptus, and will likely honor the clearance price if you buy enough. I was warned off the Lyptus as it is prone to splintering.

If you need Cherry or other lumber, you're welcome to come thin my stash.
Cover my costs, is all I ask.

Drop me a PM and we can set up a visit.

I'm in Westport, on the lee side of Fall River.

jonathan eagle
05-06-2011, 12:23 PM
So was this a one day sale? How did you get on the list?

Jim Matthews
05-08-2011, 7:50 AM
The Downes and Reader sale is held every Spring, although I can't say they have a fixed date.

It was my first trip there. I bought far more than I needed, at a very reasonable price.

Seriously, if anyone is near to 02790, I've got plenty - bring cash and a pickup truck.