View Full Version : lithophane/shadowbox combo

Lawrence Richards
05-03-2011, 12:43 AM
Tonight I finished up a commission for a fellow Air Force member. It is a 12x18 lithophane of an EC-130H superimposed over the Stars and Stripes.
The material is mahogany and the finish is rude and crude. (I still need to put on a coat or two of topcoat)
Internal lighting is 44 LEDs and there are 6 spare inside and if the customer wants it I can easily drill holes through the center level to create lighting for the shadowbox area. (he is away right now so I can't ask him until he returns)
The back is recessed with a french cleat, and the sides are carved with the patches of the Group and its Squadrons.
The top embellishment is friction fit in place and allows for access to both the litho and replacement of the glass if necessary.
I carved the Lithophane and side carvings with my carvewright. Here is what the material looks like when it is not backlit--I think the difference is quite dramatic.
Of course the picture with the most accurate lighting was taken without me taking into account the reflection... Murphy (Sod) strikes again
Thanks for looking,

Lee Schierer
05-03-2011, 11:49 AM
Very interesting piece of work. That will be a keepsake worth having for years to come. What exactly is the material? Have you tried non-glare photo glass for your front covering to eliminate internal reflections?

Dan Hintz
05-03-2011, 1:00 PM
Pics 2 and 4 make it look like one of those rear projection TV cabinets... with an old BBC war documentary on it :)