View Full Version : Penyon Pine

bob edwards
05-02-2011, 9:48 PM
When I travel I love to meet turners and swap wood. A very nice lady in Santa Fe gave me this Penyon Pine. It's a new wood for me but it turns and finishes well. Measures 5 X 7. Comments welcome193509

David E Keller
05-02-2011, 10:41 PM
That's pretty, Bob. That wood is a new one for me as well... I generally avoid pine and other sappy woods, but seeing how this turned out may change my tune. Nicely done.

Michael James
05-02-2011, 11:13 PM
Nice piece. It's actually spelled PINON wih the enya ~ over the N in the middle. It's a small tree and I have avoided it myself, as they can be very sappy. We value them for the nuts, and see that they are making major league recipes these days. As kids we used to put a blanket down and shake limbs - we'd be in trouble for days at school as the hulls are non edible....sort of like leaving the little nests of sunflower seeds around. Occasionally, I do see an exceptional piece of this wood.

Steve Schlumpf
05-02-2011, 11:59 PM
Used to eat the nuts all the time when I lived in Colorado but never turned any of it! Sure looks like some pretty wood and seems to have a little red coloring in it as well! How was the sap content?

bob edwards
05-03-2011, 9:42 AM
Phil Brennion introduced me to this wood years ago and I've been looking for a good piece ever sense. His shapes were almost always a southwest pottery like shape. This is not the best example of the wood but I was pleased with the shape and it turned and finished really well. This is nothing like the southern pine I am used to. It is also not as dark as the picture shows. I'm still having trouble with this photo thing!! BTW there are two correct spellings, penyon and piņon. But my keyboard can't produce that so I chose the spelling with the y.

Wayne Hendrix
05-03-2011, 10:07 AM
Its spelled either pinyon or piņon, not penyon.

Chip Sutherland
05-03-2011, 3:21 PM
Isn't this the wood folks burn in the backyard chimena (?). Supposedly the smoke helps chase away bugs/mosquitoes. I think they sell it in pack outside of grocery stores and 7-11s.

Alan Trout
05-03-2011, 4:08 PM
I saw the piece in person. It is a really pretty piece of wod.


Michael James
05-03-2011, 5:18 PM
Isn't this the wood folks burn in the backyard chimena (?). Supposedly the smoke helps chase away bugs/mosquitoes. I think they sell it in pack outside of grocery stores and 7-11s.

In Texas that's prolly true...up north in NM too!