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View Full Version : sniff sniff, aaahhhhh

Gary Herrmann
05-01-2011, 8:20 PM
There can be all kinds of fringe benefits to woodworking.

A neighbor's sauna was made with questionable materials. Bending plywood, but not marine grade for some of the supports. He bought and delivered to me a big ol' 6x6 cedar beam and I spent the afternoon cutting and sanding curved pieces to support his bench.

SWMBO kept coming down to the shop during the day. When I finished, I put the dust mask away and started to hone a couple plane irons.

Then I finally got to smell the shop.


Larry Edgerton
05-02-2011, 7:21 AM
Imagine being a baker!

Rob Holcomb
05-02-2011, 8:59 PM
My family used to own a candy factory. Smelling chocolate all day every day makes you lose the sense and you can't smell it any more. I'm sure it's the same for bakers. After my family got out of the business, It took me years to be able to smell chocolate again. Enjoy the aroma while you can!

Rich Neighbarger
05-03-2011, 10:29 AM
Ha... I misread "baker" for banker, but I guess that would work too.

James Patrick
05-10-2011, 1:37 PM
Ha... I misread "baker" for banker, but I guess that would work too.

Gotta just love that "new money smell".

Curt Harms
05-11-2011, 8:01 AM
Imagine being a baker!
The route to one place I used to work took me past a big Nabisco bakery many mornings. It didn't smell as nice as you might expect but it wasn't bad :cool:.

Cliff Polubinsky
05-11-2011, 10:28 AM
There's a big bread maker a few blocks from my office. I love it when the wind is out of the bakery. I used to work in a camera shop in Milwaukee not too far from the Ambrosia chocolate/cocoa factory. One morning they broke a major pipe and had cocoa all over the street. Downtown smelled great all day.


McKay Sleight
05-11-2011, 10:57 AM
I taught woodshop for 31 years and once in a while I got a whiff of cedar being cut however, that was it. It was weird though when I went to a friends shop at a nearby high school I could smell his shop. How does that happen?