View Full Version : Accuright Log mill

Kyle Iwamoto
05-01-2011, 6:26 AM
Anyone have or used the Accuright log mill? I'm thinking of getting one, and can't seem to find but 1 person that reviewed it. Thoughts? Seems like it would save some wood using a band saw to rip logs vice a chainsaw.


Andrew Kertesz
05-01-2011, 7:08 AM
My local WC had a demo yesterday on the mill. It is well put together although there is not much to it. As it comes out of the box you are limited to 24" in length, diameter is limited by your saw's resaw capabilities. It does give you the ability to to adjust the cut so that it will compensate for crooked logs. The more perpendicular the end cuts are to the body of the log the better hold you get. There are some limitations and depending on what you want to do with the wood you cut kind of dictates how useful it would really be. One great advantage is the ability to hold some burls. The guy doing the demo showed a redwood burl box he made, he used the mill to cut the burl square to make it easier to work with. I'm not convinced that it is worth my $130.00

Jonathan Spool
05-01-2011, 12:50 PM
Kyle I have had one similar from Rockler for around 8 years now. Although max log length is limited, I have cut wood for numerous small projects with it. My favorite is slicing off 3/8" slabs from a figured cherry log, and leaving them natural edged for scrollsaw work. It works quite well for what it is intended for.

Kyle Iwamoto
05-02-2011, 5:34 PM
Thanks for your replies.

Does the Vortex end. I thought I had everything I "needed".