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View Full Version : Found a few chunks of Boxelder Maple

Ian Jeffcock
04-30-2011, 4:00 AM
Thought you might get a chuckle out of this.
I was patrolling a few nights ago ( I'm a cop) and thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I turned around and saw this huge ( about 3 1/2 ft dia) butt shinning back at me from someones yard. Just couldn't help myself, got out with my flashlight to investigate. It was dark, but a quick sniff confirmed that it was boxelder. I boldly walked up and knocked on the door. A young lady answered the door, wide eyed at seeing an officer standing there, and a patrol car in her driveway. I quickly reassured her that there were no problems and tried to explain to her why I was so interested in her now deceased tree. It had been limbed and piled, but about 25feet of the trunk was lying there still intact. She explained that her husband to be, had felled the tree because it was old and dying. He had quit in frustration because he had discovered a nail the hard way, with his chain saw. I asked if she would like me to clean up the rest. She was pleased because they were not sure what to do with it. I asked her to not cut it up anymore, that I preffered it in long lenghts. So today, with my hand held detector and chainsaw, I cut it just enough to fit in my dumptruck. I guess using an excavator is cheating, but it sure saves on heat pads for my back. She was happy, and Im definately happy. I will make her a bowl or give her one that I have ready made. All in all, not a bad day.

Gary Max
04-30-2011, 4:42 AM
Let me make it offical----------------You suck.
That's cheating and just not fair------------you would not believe the wood I turn down because I can't load it.

Nice Haul

Dan Forman
04-30-2011, 5:03 AM
You and Hayes with your dump trucks and excavators...Scheesh! :)

So you were driving along and this tree mooned you from someones yard? :D

That is quite the haul, ought to keep you busy for a while.


John Keeton
04-30-2011, 5:21 AM
When you get a wood haul - you get A WOOD HAUL!! Congrats.

Keith E Byrd
04-30-2011, 6:23 AM
That is a big box elder! Nice haul!

John Hart
04-30-2011, 7:32 AM
Now, if I was a cop, I woulda had a little fun....."Ma'am, That tree has to go....I'll have to confiscate it." :)

Greg Just
04-30-2011, 8:05 AM
So you arrested the tree for Mooning you and you get to take it into custody? Just not fair! Nice gloat. Enjoy the wood.

Hayes Rutherford
04-30-2011, 8:23 AM
Nice haul Ian. In the future, when you spot a nice box elder, inform the owners they might be in violation of the box elder bug harboring ordinance and offer to remove the tree at a reduced rate.

Donny Lawson
04-30-2011, 8:46 AM
That's a great haul. I would like to see a nice BIG bowl from that thing in the future.

Roger Chandler
04-30-2011, 9:23 AM

Great haul of wood.............nice equipment to handle wood as well! Thanks for your service to the community you serve in........we need good people in all phases of government!

Steve Schlumpf
04-30-2011, 9:29 AM
Wow! Congrats on the wood! I see you didn't tie the wood down.... weren't you afraid it would blow out on the drive home?

Quite the wood harvesting rig you have! Probably one of the smartest setups I've seen! Have fun turning!

David E Keller
04-30-2011, 9:56 AM
FREEZE! Back away from the giant tree chunks... Nothing to see here... Move on people.

Hey Hart, maybe Ian can send you a police uniform so you can commandeer that big spalted maple near your house for official police business! You still might go to jail, but the jail time for impersonating an officer might be shorter than the theft charges you would otherwise be facing... Cathy, any thoughts from the bench about potential sentencing?

Dick Wilson
04-30-2011, 10:22 AM
Ian, There was a crime committed that night and the following day. As a sworn officer of the law you had better investigate. The law broken: YOU DIDN'T OFFER ANY OF YOUR WOOD TO US!!!!!!!! That is the Creeker law! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: You have the resources to track down our locations. It is incumbent upon you to distribute the wood to your buddies.:D:D

Bill Bolen
04-30-2011, 10:30 AM
Cool little story! Love your wood harvesting equipment. From one Eureka guy to another...wanna swap for some Walnut?

Baxter Smith
04-30-2011, 11:06 AM
Great story! Wanting bigger lathes and bigger chainsaws I could forsee. Dumptrucks and excavators hadn't occurred to me!

bob svoboda
04-30-2011, 11:45 AM
Great set up, great haul and great story. Hmmm.....maybe my daughter would loan me her badge........?

John Hart
05-01-2011, 6:21 AM
...Hey Hart, maybe Ian can send you a police uniform so you can commandeer that big spalted maple near your house for official police business! You still might go to jail, but the jail time for impersonating an officer might be shorter than the theft charges you would otherwise be facing... Cathy, any thoughts from the bench about potential sentencing?

Unfortunately, that's what it's gonna take. I stopped at their house Friday on the way home from work. Asked, "Were you going to do anything with that tree out near the road." He said,(with an embarrassed grin)"Yep...I'm gonna cut it up for firewood...I just didn't get to it yet"

Hmmmm...maybe I should arrest him.:rolleyes:

Ian Jeffcock
05-01-2011, 2:51 PM
John, suggest that you trade some other firewood for it. I have done that in the past if I want it bad enough.

Bernie Weishapl
05-01-2011, 3:51 PM
Wow what a haul and yes it is cheating using large equipement. How many times I have left a log lay because no way to load it.

Chip Sutherland
05-01-2011, 6:30 PM
I'm thinking Ian gets the Big Boy Toys award for today.

David DeCristoforo
05-01-2011, 6:40 PM
OK... this is very cool. But what I would like to know is how an officer of the law comes to have a front end loader and a dump truck sitting around? "Left over" perhaps from a prior career! Confiscated from wood pirates busted years ago? Or are cops getting much better pay these days? Very odd indeed...

Todd Trebuna
05-01-2011, 7:16 PM
And I suppose you had both alley lights on because of a ghost call of a "perp" in the neighborhood.:)

Ian Jeffcock
05-02-2011, 3:55 AM
David, actually the opposite. The pays so bad that you darn near have to have a second job/income. I do a bit of construction now and then. You think its hard on you guys, you should see the wood getters turn green when I go after firewood. Of course the price of diesel lately,.... its not exactly cost free. Still, I admit that I'm spoiled.

Jeff Nicol
05-02-2011, 7:46 AM
Ian, First nice haul on the wood, and I am jealous of all the cool toys you have for hauling stuff!!!! Having a dump truck and an escavator are dreams of mine, but will stay dreams for a while!

Have fun,
