View Full Version : Arizona Bound

ronald ainge
04-25-2011, 9:35 PM
I will be traveling to Phoenix Friday 4/29 and will have most of the day to do as I please. I was wondering if there were some places a wood turner should visit. I would also be willing to meet anyone that would share some shop time with me. It would be nice to meet someone and have a good time turning.

Bill Wyko
04-26-2011, 10:33 PM
I'm in Tucson but you should check out woodworkers source. They get some awesome turning blanks. If you pass through Tucson look me up.

Richard Madden
04-26-2011, 10:56 PM
If at all possible, go to the Joan Cawley Gallery on Main St.in Scottsdale and check out some of Jim Adkin's basket illusion pieces. You will be amazed.

ronald ainge
04-27-2011, 7:20 PM
Thanks to the two of you. If I had another day I would be glad to drive down to Tucson and look you up. I will tru to get to the Scottsdale Gallery because that is near where I will be staying.

Ron Ainge