View Full Version : Turnin' With A Chainsaw

John Hart
04-25-2011, 1:25 PM
Last summer, my parents drove up from San Antonio for a visit. We had a nice time...did some golfing, ate some sandwiches, discussed Quantum Mechanics,...you know...the typical out-on-the-front-porch kinda visit.

But with their luggage, they also brought a chunk of Cedar from their property. (They live in the hill country outside SA and have a lot of cedars and live oak)

My dad wanted to see me turn something.

Now, I know my dad. His attention span isn't geared for a 3-hour turning session. Nope...it had to be quick and dirty. So I turned a quick vase...nothin' special....No finish, and did it in about 30 minutes. He had fun...I had fun. We stuck it in the suitcase, and that's the last I heard about it.

Then, today he called me to tell me that the vase "inspired" him. He didn't have a lathe....But he DID have a chainsaw!

I guess that's close enough. He searched the dry riverbed where all the cedar roots stick out, and whacked off a bunch of large root sections.

Then put them on a table and ran the chainsaw up and down the length...rolling the logs on the table and carefully "turning" this stuff with the saw.

Then he got out his stack of 80 grit....rubbed them all down...then 100....then oiled them good and proper.

The end result is what you see in these pics. My dad does ZERO woodworking. He was just inspired by a 30 minute father/son moment in my shop. I thought I might share this with you. He made it a point to put some of my pieces in the pics...including the cedar vase from last summer.

David E Keller
04-25-2011, 1:31 PM
That's pretty cool! Perhaps he needs a lathe for Christmas...

Jim Burr
04-25-2011, 1:33 PM
Although our parents usually inspire us, really great way to pass it on John! Looks like pop is keepin' up with the Hart's!

patrick stein
04-25-2011, 1:35 PM
hi john,

great pieces for just useing a chain saw .what could he do if worked with wood all the time ? the piece in the forth pick I would buy, nice piece.


Dan Forman
04-25-2011, 1:39 PM
Very cool, you never know what one moment might lead to, sort of fits with the Quantum Mechanics theme.


Roger Chandler
04-25-2011, 1:48 PM
Yeaaaah..............I kinda think a lathe for a present, maybe Christmas, Fathers day, birthday, etc could all be combined into one gift and a lathe and some BB turning tools and a contact to the turning club in SanAntonio would be a great thing........get any siblings you have [if any] involved in the purchase as well, and make this year one to remember for him........

...........his work surely looks like he has the aptitude for it........Hart, you are likely a chip off the old block! ;)

The nut usually does not fall far from the tree! :rolleyes:

Bernie Weishapl
04-25-2011, 1:48 PM
Really neat John. I agree with David won't be long before Christmas is here.:D:rolleyes::cool:

bob svoboda
04-25-2011, 1:52 PM
Those pieces are way cool! You can give him some Maple to work with when your jail term is up.

Tim Rinehart
04-25-2011, 3:23 PM
That's nice stuff....but I think his ability to see a chunk of wood and have it result as they did...he don't need no stinkin lathe. You know, I suspect he would be bored by the whole 'roundness' of stuff we do...
Beautiful work, but I especially like that piece your vase is sitting in.
Dear ol dad has a good eye!

Joe Bradshaw
04-25-2011, 3:26 PM
John, your dad is awesome. That apple did not fall far from the tree. I envy you.

Doug W Swanson
04-25-2011, 3:55 PM
Did he use the chicken schmaltz drying method?

Those are very nice pieces! They would look great in my house!

Brian Libby
04-25-2011, 3:59 PM
Inspiration and the tool that is handy and Whaa Laa !!!!!
They are really great pieces and the vase is pretty nice also!!

John Keeton
04-25-2011, 4:00 PM
John, that is some very artistic work - obviously some genetic pass through going on!! Very nice "canvas" for your vase, too.

Steve Schlumpf
04-25-2011, 4:09 PM
Love it! Reminds me of all the rustic furniture that was such a big hit back in the 80's! Bet your Dad had fun creating these pieces! Will be interesting to see where it leads him! Be sure to let him know - he did great!!

Kirk Miller
04-25-2011, 5:16 PM
Those are awesome, count in that your father doesn't normally do woodworking they are Double awesome. I think I hear the Vortex starting up.............Your mother will never forgive you...........lol

Alan Zenreich
04-25-2011, 5:33 PM

Nice work you have there.

From this thread's title, I thought you might be referencing this video:

Chainsaw roughing on a segmented vase.

Bill Bolen
04-25-2011, 5:44 PM
Cool pieces and a better story!

Keith E Byrd
04-25-2011, 5:46 PM
I am impressed - your dad did some great stuff - I really like it - the neat thing is that he saw what the rough pieces could be!

Steve Vaughan
04-25-2011, 6:42 PM
That's a great story right there that will not be forgotten! And, beautiful work and creativity your dad does! I'm not so sure he needs a lathe, but maybe a few chainsaw chains for Christmas!

ray hampton
04-25-2011, 8:35 PM
your father got talent and seeing his work made me wonder if any chain saws companies make a narrow chain saw bar for this type of work

Cathy Schaewe
04-25-2011, 8:45 PM
That's pretty cool! Perhaps he needs a lathe for Christmas...

I'm thinking he did pretty darn good without one! I'm impressed!
(Does he do lacquer too? Is that part of the family on the porch thing? A wonderful tradition, handed down from father to son ..... )

John Hart
04-25-2011, 8:48 PM
Geez...Thanks everyone!! What a nice response!

Ya know, Dad would never put the time into the lathe I'm afraid.....but the idea of a chainsaw....or other accessories just might be a cool idea. There are six kids in our family, so I'm sure we could scrounge up a couple bucks to get him something that he wouldn't think of. The guy dedicated his life to his family, and he's pretty cool to talk to (highly intelligent and a quick wit)

Ya'll have really sparked this idea in me.

Thank you. :)

James Combs
04-25-2011, 8:57 PM
Some really great pieces and to think, I didn't have to buy a lathe after all. All I needed was a chainsaw. If only this had been posted a year ago.

David E Keller
04-25-2011, 9:43 PM
I'm thinking he did pretty darn good without one! I'm impressed!
(Does he do lacquer too? Is that part of the family on the porch thing? A wonderful tradition, handed down from father to son ..... )

Can anyone really discuss 'quantum' anything without imbibing?

Brian Effinger
04-25-2011, 10:11 PM
Now that's a great story. :)

John Hart
04-26-2011, 6:42 AM
Can anyone really discuss 'quantum' anything without imbibing?

No...It is not possible.

cal thelen
04-26-2011, 6:55 AM
Those are really cool pieces. very impressive.