View Full Version : I'll have to admit that I haven't been ......

Jamie Donaldson
04-24-2011, 9:46 PM
...over here to the Creek for a visit in several years, but my password still worked! As I read down thru the posts I saw several familiar names, but what's up with this chicken curing wood stuff? I know there are some really whacky methods out there, but this info is REALLY OUT THERE!:D

Steve Schlumpf
04-24-2011, 9:48 PM
Jamie - great to see you! Hope you can start stopping in on a more regular basis - lots of good folks here that would love the chance to get to know you!

Jamie Donaldson
04-24-2011, 9:50 PM
I see that I double posted the intro, so I'll try to get back up to speed with the software in the future!

Ken Fitzgerald
04-24-2011, 9:50 PM
Check this thread out.... http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?164273-Miracle-Wood-Drying-Discovery&highlight=

No guarantees or warrantees implied or offered BTW......

Jamie Donaldson
04-24-2011, 9:56 PM
I opened that thread Ken, but that DeCristoforo guy types way too fast and I couldn't read it all! But after checkin' (that's not "chickin'!) out all those responses I'm not sure I'm in the right asylum? Oh my God, Ken has made 19,531 posts here! What does he do for a living anyway?

Ken Fitzgerald
04-24-2011, 10:01 PM
I have been wondering the same thing Jamie.....

It is entirely possible the John Hart's return has folks sniffing more lacquer fumes or they might be turning more exotics. It's hard to determine by the symptoms......

This is Ken in Idaho......looking down......shaking his head.......

David E Keller
04-24-2011, 10:33 PM
Welcome back... You'd better get to work if you want to catch up with Ken.

Bernie Weishapl
04-24-2011, 10:54 PM
Hey Jamie nice to see ya back and hope you will check in more often.

John Keeton
04-25-2011, 6:12 AM
Hey, Jamie! Great to see you on the creek! Woodcentral can do without you for a little while, so stay and visit a spell. You have a lot to offer to these folks.

Roger Chandler
04-25-2011, 6:50 AM
Ellis won't mind you visiting with "creekers" so + 1 on you having a lot to offer the up & comers on SMC.

John Hart
04-25-2011, 12:41 PM
I didn't even know about that other thread until I read this one!!! Jamie, you really need to stick around. It is clear that the intellectual barometer is on a free fall around here. Ken just shakes his head and looks down a lot....that's what he does for a living.

Since you have the ability to recognize that "something ain't quite right" around here, we are going to elect you as SMC President. Because no one else seems to know what's going on.

But all that aside.....Precisely what is it that you have against treating turning blanks with fried chicken fat anyway? Are you crazy? This is science.

Sheesh...what is this...the middle ages? What's next? Are we going stop using leeches in medicine?

Dick Wilson
04-25-2011, 1:01 PM
Hi Jamie, Glad you found your way back to SMC. As much as I love WOW, this place, as you can see is different. A real cluster of shop cleaning fanatics, gloaters, leg pullers, and folks that bring a smile to your face. Once in a while there is even a tip or two IE: chicken fat, etc.:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Come back often, we really need someone to bring sanity back into the forum.:):):)

David DeCristoforo
04-25-2011, 2:14 PM
Ha! Another one of those "wowies" slipping in here and trying to steal our secrets! Don't tell him nothing...

Jamie Donaldson
04-25-2011, 6:41 PM
Since you have the ability to recognize that "something ain't quite right" around here, we are going to elect you as SMC President. Because no one else seems to know what's going on.

But all that aside.....Precisely what is it that you have against treating turning blanks with fried chicken fat anyway? Are you crazy? This is science. [Quote]

Hi John- apparently you didn't notice that I'm from the empire of KY Fried Chicken! Col. Sanders rules around hereabouts, and we don't waste good chickin' drippins on no stinkin' wood!!;)