View Full Version : Can't remember where I saw the tip for using a foot actuated blow gun connected to..

Christopher Hawkins
04-24-2011, 11:53 AM
a piece of flexible rubber hose terminated with a nozzle to give hands free method of blowing waste from drill presses, etc. The blow gun was housed in a home made wooden box. Pretty slick trick and now I can't remember where I saw it. Does anyone remember or have plans to this?

John Coloccia
04-24-2011, 1:47 PM
I've no plans, but I can give you maybe another idea. I have one of my shop vacs on a foot switch. I started doing this for mother of pearl inlay work so that I could hands free turn off my dust collection before sucking up a piece of inlay, but I found it's useful for all sorts of things. I don't see why you couldn't put the hose on the exhaust, and you'd have a hands free blower for practically no work.

Just a thought.

Bruce Wrenn
04-24-2011, 9:29 PM
Either ShopNotes, or Woodsmith, in the tips section.

Robert Malone
04-25-2011, 5:58 AM
Shopnotes, Vol. 18, Issue 108, page 6. :-)

Larry Edgerton
04-25-2011, 6:26 AM
I posted a setup for my mortiser some years ago. I used brake line to get it that last little bit so that it blew directly down the hole. I had to drill a hole in my casting to make it work, but no more stopping to blow out chips. Step on the pedal, and the mortice is clean. Can't post pics, my computer is on its last legs, sorry.

Christopher Hawkins
04-25-2011, 7:27 PM
That is an excellent idea that I hadn't considered. I'll give it a try.

Christopher Hawkins
04-25-2011, 7:44 PM
Thank you!