View Full Version : burls

cal thelen
04-23-2011, 8:54 AM
well since joining this forum last week and seeing all the beautiful things being done with burls. I find myself looking at trees a lot closer. finally got up to our cottage last night and this moring i took a walk around and noticed a smaller maple tree snapped off, probably from the heavy snowfall we had in late march. anyway there is a small burl looking thing towards the bottom of trunk. Guess i am not even sure it is a burl. My questiion is what is the best way to proceed with this thing. do i cut it out and try to turn it right away? do i cut it out let it dry a little? never did anything like this before so i really have no clue as to where to start. any advise would be greatly appreciated. thanks

David E Keller
04-23-2011, 9:35 AM
I'd cut the trunk on both sides of the burl and then split the wood along the pith leaving the burl attached to one half. I'd seal the cut surfaces until you turn it, but I'd turn it quickly... It's very likely that members on this site are triangulating your position as I type... Hurry!

BTW, there may be some pretty figure in that trunk wood even away from the burl and in the crotches.

Steve Schlumpf
04-23-2011, 9:37 AM
Cal - this is one of those times that a few photos would help. If the tree died recently - then chances are that sap had already started to run before it was damaged. I would cut the tree so that you have a few inches of wood on either side of the burl - allows for some checking. Then seal it ASAP with anchorseal - which will buy you some time to figure out the best way to turn the wood.