View Full Version : A box on my doorstep!

Dan Forman
04-22-2011, 5:20 AM
This afternoon a box appeared on my front steps. So I brought it inside, opened it up, and look at what popped up! The squared off one is Sissoo, AKA Indian Rosewood, the round one is Mesquite. They made their way up here from Arizona compliments of Kathy Marshall. It will be a real treat to turn these, not the sort of things we find growing in the Pacific northwest. Many thanks to Kathy!!!

Y'all need to have a little patience, I probably won't be able to get at them for a while, have to think of something worthy, then practice on more readily available stock before committing to these.


Kurt Barker
04-22-2011, 6:29 AM
Either the very early hour or the excitement of the arrival caused you to forget the pics!



David E Keller
04-22-2011, 8:47 AM
I got a box of hundred dollar bills! Oh, you want pictures as proof?

Steve Schlumpf
04-22-2011, 8:58 AM
5:20 in the morning... he probably fell asleep at the keyboard!

Jim Burr
04-22-2011, 9:35 AM
Coffee alert...Coffee alert!!

Dan Hintz
04-22-2011, 10:12 AM
So I brought it inside, opened it up, and look at what popped up!
Still lookin', but not seeing anything...

Tim Thiebaut
04-22-2011, 11:59 AM
See what those late nights will do to ya Dan! Anyway even without pics, congrats on the package, and Kathy that was very nice of you!

Dan Forman
04-22-2011, 2:09 PM
Oooops, they are there now. Somebody must have made me forget. As soon as i can figure out who to blame, I'll let you know. I think it might have been that new guy Hayes... Yeah, pretty sure it was him. :D


Hayes Rutherford
04-22-2011, 3:27 PM
Hmmm... she must not have had my address.

Kathy Marshall
04-22-2011, 3:51 PM
Mighty fine looking box of wood ya got there! :D
If you haven't turned either of those types before, you're going to love them. Both turn, sand, and finish nicely. You're welcome and have fun!

Now just need to decide on next months victim ;)

Bernie Weishapl
04-22-2011, 5:18 PM
That is some great looking pieces of wood Dan. Kathy what a great gesture.

Baxter Smith
04-22-2011, 9:13 PM
Glad that wood finally appeared! Very nice of her!

Donny Lawson
04-22-2011, 9:59 PM
NICE!!!!!!!!!! I know one is walnut but any idea what the other one is?

Kathy Marshall
04-23-2011, 3:56 AM
NICE!!!!!!!!!! I know one is walnut but any idea what the other one is?

Donny, the squared up piece is Sissoo (indian rosewood) the other is mesquite.