View Full Version : Stanley No. 1 1/2......pics.......

Terry Hatfield
02-01-2005, 10:47 PM
Ya, I know...the new guy has lost what little mind I once had.......

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/half2.JPG">

<IMG SRC="http://www.terryhatfield.com/half1.JPG">

Honestly, I thought it was a cool idea. Might be just the ticket for tenons or something.,.....right???? Anyway, I always heard that you could sell ANYTHING on e-bay. Apparently you can.


Louis Bois
02-02-2005, 7:58 AM
Honestly, I thought it was a cool idea. Might be just the ticket for tenons or something.,.....right???? Anyway, I always heard that you could sell ANYTHING on e-bay. Apparently you can.

What scares me, Terry, is that there's someone willing to BUY almost anything for sale on the web!!! :eek:

...at least you can be comforted in the fact that if you ever want to sell that monstrosity, someone out there will likely buy it!!!:D

Tom LaRussa
02-02-2005, 8:38 AM
Ya, I know...the new guy has lost what little mind I once had.......



Honestly, I thought it was a cool idea. Might be just the ticket for tenons or something.,.....right???? Anyway, I always heard that you could sell ANYTHING on e-bay. Apparently you can.


That's a very nice ... um ... handle you've got there. ;)

But seriously, so long as it stays in one piece it should be great for planing into the corners of inset panels and the like.

Marc Hills
02-02-2005, 9:38 AM
OK, at first I didn't see that in addition to the toe, the right cheek has been removed. I have to admit, there's clearly a method to this madness.

Long ago, a craftsman had a need, a pressing deadline, and a crude but (likely) workable solution.

I guess we have to remember that back then these were just tools, not the sacred artifacts we see them as today.

If the guy who modified this plane were alive to read our "use 'em or put them under glass?' debate going on in the Stanley 720 thread, he's be laughing his a** off. And then he's wonder if we all were the ones who had lost what little minds we had left.........

Terry Hatfield
02-02-2005, 9:57 AM

That's a very nice ... um ... handle you've got there. ;)

But seriously, so long as it stays in one piece it should be great for planing into the corners of inset panels and the like.


Well, I had to buy something and somebody else already bought all the really bad looking chisels. :D


Terry Hatfield
02-02-2005, 10:01 AM
OK, at first I didn't see that in addition to the toe, the right cheek has been removed. I have to admit, there's clearly a method to this madness.

Long ago, a craftsman had a need, a pressing deadline, and a crude but (likely) workable solution.

I guess we have to remember that back then these were just tools, not the sacred artifacts we see them as today.

If the guy who modified this plane were alive to read our "use 'em or put them under glass?' debate going on in the Stanley 720 thread, he's be laughing his a** off. And then he's wonder if we all were the ones who had lost what little minds we had left.........


See...that's what I thought.

I'm anxious to get it and do some tuning...that should only take 1/2 as long as usual...LOL......and give it a try. I think there is a good chance it might work pretty well but then again perhaps it's just a conversation piece. One way or the other I'll have something unique for plane show and tell and one day my grandchildren can show it as proof that the old man was nuts. :D


Matthew Springer
02-02-2005, 6:47 PM
--> "Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held it's ground"

At which point we chop it down, and make some shavings!

Terry Hatfield
02-02-2005, 9:28 PM
--> "Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held it's ground"

At which point we chop it down, and make some shavings!


