View Full Version : fruit bowl

cal thelen
04-21-2011, 1:32 PM
I made this out of some scraps from a local cabinet shop. The guy told me it was cherry but all the cherry i ever worked with was alot darker. any way when it was done it was immediatly claimed by my wife. Not do you have plans for that all she said was that is going to look really good on the table with fruit! do they really have the right to just claim it like that?

Roger Chandler
04-21-2011, 1:44 PM
YES THEY DO, Cal!!! And don't you never, ever forget it!!! :p:D:rolleyes: Nice bowl by the way!:D:D:)

Good job on that bowl......segmenting looks good!

Terry Beadle
04-21-2011, 1:46 PM
After carefully thinking about it for a few decades..... it goes like this.

The pecking order.

Dog or Cat

When the wife will put your work out on the table for all to see, she's really saying "I've got a great husband."

Go figure !

bob svoboda
04-21-2011, 1:48 PM
Nice bowl, Cal. The best compliment I ever get on my turnings is when LOML says "That's MINE".

Dan Forman
04-21-2011, 1:57 PM
Commandeering is the highest form of flattery. Looks like cherry to me, it will get darker in time. You did a fine job.


Steve Schlumpf
04-21-2011, 4:55 PM
Very nice bowl Cal! I agree with Dan - looks like Cherry to me also!

Biggest compliment I can ever get is to have my wife actually want something that I turn! I mean - I turn lots of stuff and she likes it all just fine - but to have her actually claim one of my turning doesn't happen all that often!

John Keeton
04-21-2011, 8:58 PM
Cal, very nice work! On the thing with the "claim" - apparently you are confused. EVERYTHING is hers to begin with, and she was simply "reminding you" of that. You never owned it to begin with!!

Baxter Smith
04-21-2011, 9:05 PM
Nice work on some pretty wood Cal! Glad it was well recieved!

philip labre
04-21-2011, 9:05 PM
I'm with Steve, it's nice when she claims one. Except when it was turned for somebody else, ouch. Also, nice bowl!!

David E Keller
04-21-2011, 9:08 PM
My wife has yet to claim anything I've turned, so consider yourself fortunate! Nicely done, and it'll get prettier with the passage of time.