View Full Version : For dog lovers in need of a laugh

Bruce Page
04-21-2011, 11:29 AM
My daughter sent this to me. It's a 34 second clip that made me laugh out loud. :)

W Craig Wilson
04-23-2011, 3:51 PM
Hilarious! Brought tears to my eyes.

'Experts' will tell you that its the voice inflection, not the question that make dogs act guilty, but ownere & lovers KNOW different.

Lee Koepke
04-23-2011, 9:05 PM
we do that to our dog all the time ...

"what'd you do ??? .... bailey .... what.did.you.do?" ... and watch his ears droop down .... I know, we are mean ... hahaha

Bill Cunningham
04-23-2011, 9:47 PM
Don't bother looking for Eggs!

keith ouellette
04-24-2011, 6:45 PM
that was on Americas funniest home videos. It was in the top three but I don't remember if it won or not.

Mark ten Haaf
04-25-2011, 12:16 AM

Scott Shepherd
04-25-2011, 8:14 AM
This one's been all over tv, but it's still funny to me.....


Bruce Page
04-25-2011, 1:10 PM
This one's been all over tv, but it's still funny to me.....


That boy had guilt written all over his face!

Ron Jones near Indy
04-25-2011, 4:27 PM
Love that one! It's even funnier when you have BTDT with dogs of your own.