View Full Version : Cotton Wood Stink

Reed Gray
04-20-2011, 1:03 PM
I read about and see a lot of people who turn cotton wood. We have a lot of it here, but there is one problem that I have found with it. It stinks! Smells like it was outside the local College tavern, and was where all those who were seriously drunk went to barf. The smell never goes away, even when LDD soaked, dried and finished. Is our cotton wood different, or does it all smell that way? I have also noticed a sour smell in some maple trees that are starting to rot, and again, the smell never seems to go away.

robo hippy

David E Keller
04-20-2011, 1:31 PM
I've turned a little recently that had a mildly unpleasant smell, but it wasn't very strong. I run my dust collector the whole time I'm turning so maybe that sucks up some ofthe stink.

ronald ainge
04-20-2011, 6:18 PM
I did a bowl last weekend and the wife made me take my clothes off and put them in the wash room before she would let me in the living room. I like to turn it and I will keep doing it becasue it is nice wood to turn and when finished the smell goes away. I thought that you discription of how it smells was very accurate.

Michael James
04-20-2011, 7:15 PM
smells like wet "barnyard" but the smell indeed goes away.

Jim Heikes
04-20-2011, 8:03 PM
Turn Pig Hickory instead.............smells like bacon frying