View Full Version : Negative space jig

Brian Libby
04-18-2011, 6:48 PM
I took a photo of this page in Wood magazine. Ref: Michelle's thread on negative space tutorial.
This is for a 2 sided trivet but the same general idea.:)

Tim Thiebaut
04-18-2011, 8:22 PM
Hey Brian thanks for posting this, I got to looking and I found this full size PDF that has a little more info in it that might come in handy, its part way down the page...


Michelle Rich
04-19-2011, 8:04 AM
Tim & Brian..thanks so much for this posting..very interesting. I did try my cole jaws as I stated earlier..I tried the bolt thru the middle of the cole jaws to hold my piece and then tried to grasp the pices with the rubber..My vicmarc did not like the bolt, and I could never really get the rubber to hold. This jig is cute & would do very small things & repetitive sized pieces. Once you got to the size I am throwing the jig would weigh an awful lot. This is one reason my journey has been frustrating & rewarding. Envisioning something that goes beyond Weissflogg and Fein, yet having no idea how to hold the wood and how to achieve my vision. I tried everything I could in the last 18 months. I have used every tool in my shop, and I think now I have figured it all out! UNTIL the next concept/vision, and I have to start all over again! It never ends. Each design change requires a totally new thinking pattern, and experimentation to achieve. Appreciate the jig fellas