View Full Version : Shop expansion progress

Sparky Paessler
02-01-2005, 8:55 AM
Well this was the weekend to start block laying on the shop expansion. Having never layed block before I was rather slow but got better as I went. One room (out of three) was finished and I got about half way on another. Here are some pictures.

picture 1: This is the lathe room. I got it finished. Just need to pour the concrete shelf.

picture 2: This room is about 16 by 6 and there is a 2' deep hole at the end to give me headroom for my cyclone.

picture 3: This is a shot of the hole where my cyclone barrel will sit. That is my job supervisor checking my work.

Frank Pellow
02-01-2005, 9:08 AM
Thanks for the photo's Sparky. Why are you laying blocks in places where you already have a brick wall? I guess that I am asking for the bigger "picture" of what you are doing. If you already told us, I appologize that I have forgotten.

Doug Shepard
02-01-2005, 9:24 AM
Sure wish I had that kind of room for expansion.
You should really put some pics of that mouser over on the cat gloat thread

Sparky Paessler
02-01-2005, 10:16 AM

Around here the frost line is not very deep and if there is not a basement they do not dig the foundation walls very deep. The brick that you see above the block (and set back some) does not go all the way to the floor of the basement. Look at picture 2, that is the bottom of the brick wall. They did not pour concrete footers when this house was built. They just dug down to hard clay and layed a row of brick sideways as a footer. When I was digging I had to stop about 15" from the brick so that I didn't cause the foundation of the house to drop. I was only able to get this close because I had really good compacted hard clay (old cow field). The block, plastic, and gravel backfill help support the dirt and I will pour concrete on the shelf that the setback created and use that space for storage.

Chris Padilla
02-01-2005, 11:05 AM
This is great, Sparky! All that hard work and you are finally getting there. Thanks for the informative explanation of what you are doing...it all sounds good to me! :) I guess I need to update my garage rehab soon...I've almost got all the drywall up...should be done Saturday and I should be able to relax and watch the Super Bowl late afternoon Sunday! :D

Ken Fitzgerald
02-01-2005, 11:29 AM
Great progress and explanation Sparky! Keep us informed and photo'd.

Sparky Paessler
02-01-2005, 11:30 AM
Hi Chris

After I finish this area I can hook up my "Bright RED" cyclone and see if it works. Do you have your's up and running yet?

Chris Padilla
02-01-2005, 11:42 AM
Nope...it is put together but has yet to be run. It is just sitting in a corner of my shed in the back yard waiting...waiting for the garage to "get done!" already. :)

Jerry Olexa
02-01-2005, 12:06 PM
Sparky, Looking good. Frank's question was also my reaction. Your detailed post explained it! Thanks Great job! I like your supervisor..

Steve Stube
02-01-2005, 4:17 PM
Wow Sparky! Nobody can accuse you of taking the easy way out:-) It is clear that you are dedicated to your shop pursuits to invest yourself and time the way you have to this expansion project. Probably where the phrase "Labor of Love" comes from. It looks great and certainly coming right along. Have you completed the portion to the outside - where you brought the Bobcat in and out? Lock those photos in a vault - who would believe it otherwise.

Sparky Paessler
02-01-2005, 9:24 PM
Thanks everyone. Well I took last night off but here is tonights progress and Steve here is a picture of the enterance. I haven't laid the block over there yet.

Jim Ketron
02-01-2005, 10:02 PM
Wow Sparky you are going to have an awesome shop! I know Its been hard work as I was there with ya for a few hrs with the old shovel in hand:) but it wont be long and you can go into the shop and do all the woodworking your heart desires.

I like how your doors look you did a great job on that!
I havent forgot about your jig Im going to work on it ASAP!

Dick Parr
02-02-2005, 7:47 AM
It is really looking good Sparky. A big difference just since I was there last month. I bet the doors help with the heating instead of the plastic hanging :rolleyes: What is that little square thing on the bottom of the left door? That's not to let the snakes in and out is it. :eek: I hope that is only a one way door (OUT). :D :p :D

Sparky Paessler
02-02-2005, 10:19 AM
That is the door for the boss (shop Cat). He takes care of all the other critters!

Tyler Howell
02-02-2005, 1:16 PM
Great Set up Sparky!

Does your jointer stow under the bench??? Great space saving.:cool:

John Bailey
02-02-2005, 4:03 PM

What kind of cyclone did you get. Sorry if you've already answered this.


Sparky Paessler
02-02-2005, 4:44 PM

No that is just the way it looks in the picture. I had a board sitting on the jointer that blended in with the bench. I just had te jointer pulled out from it home wihile I blocked the walls.


I ended up with one of Bill Pentz's cyclone kits that I assembled. I got some kidding in an earlier post about the bright red color that I chose to paint it. (It is safety RED!) I'm anixous to see how it works but didn't have the headroom to install it which is what prompted me to do this shop expansion. In the back of the space you see above I dug down 2 extra feet so there would be room for it. I should finish up the block work on that area tonight. There are some walls I need to build to seal off the crawl space and then I can start installing it!