View Full Version : Some more of my recent work

Alan Trout
04-17-2011, 11:16 AM
Here is another piece of my recent work. For me the top collar is a little clunky and not to proper scale but not turning for a while I am not have been thinking in design mode. I did the Acorn Cap Vase after this one which I fell was much better on the form. This one is about the same size as the Acorn Cap Vase. The wood is Agarita root. This is its natural color and stays this color. I have been told that the Native Americans in Texas used it for the ochre in there paints. It has a berry that some make jelly and wine out of. It is extremely hard when dry. I would put it up there with dry mesquite. While not very fond of the collar on the piece I really like the contrast in the colors. I am going to try to get some larger pieces of this so I can do a larger vessel with this color combination. I had a showing at a gallery yesterday and it is amazing how the color on this one just draws people in. They have to pick it up. It is kind of fun to watch.

Of course comments welcome.


Donny Lawson
04-17-2011, 11:19 AM
Beautiful piece. It's got a great shape and the color is awsome. I bet it was fun turning.

David E Keller
04-17-2011, 11:50 AM
Another beautiful piece, Alan. The colors in this are outstanding! One little nitpick would be the flat foot... Rolling that edge under slightly would give it a little lift. I love this work that you're doing, and I'm looking forward to seeing your next.

David DeCristoforo
04-17-2011, 11:55 AM
That is some seriously unique wood. This form is, as you have said, "a little chunky" with the wide foot and somewhat heavy collar. But this is one of those pieces where the amazing quality of the material overcomes the "slightly less than perfect" form. I've never seen anything quite like it.

Jerry Marcantel
04-17-2011, 12:52 PM
Alan, that is a beautiful hollow form.... Now, I have a few questions... What epoxy did you use in the voids? Have you ever heard of ATR 500??? Can you send me your address so I can complete an obligation I committed to a year ago?

Tim Thiebaut
04-17-2011, 2:21 PM
The color on this is outstanding, I have never seen a piece of wood that had a natural color like this, I really like the form as well, good job.

James Combs
04-17-2011, 5:49 PM
Man I saw all that color and immediately wondered how in the world you might have died it like that. After reading that it was natural I had to pick my teeth up off the floor. AWESOME looking piece.

Norm Zax
04-17-2011, 6:01 PM
Exceptional as the rest of the series.

Alan Trout
04-17-2011, 6:36 PM
Like always there is a rest of the story. The design was a little off because I almost lost the piece. I was hollowing the piece when the tenon broke off. I was not putting much pressure and it had a steady rest installed it was like the material had a fracture. I had to try to find center again turn a new tenon re cast part of the form and then re-turn the exterior and hollow again so there was some lost material and diameter. I was pretty lucky to save the piece and while not perfect I really like the concept.

The resin is a polyurethane resin. I am not sure how epoxy would work but might be worth a try. Polyester resin IMHO is to brittle for this type of work as if you ever had a catch it would possibly shatter.

Thanks for the compliments.


John Keeton
04-17-2011, 6:40 PM
Alan, this certainly is a wonderful piece! I think it is rustic enough, and has enough color going on that the heavy collar works OK. The foot may be a bit large, but still - it is a beautiful piece! It is no wonder it draws folks in.

Bernie Weishapl
04-17-2011, 6:57 PM
Alan that is a beauty. The color is outstanding and I do like the form.

Jonathan Spool
04-17-2011, 6:59 PM
Another beautiful piece. I have never seen Agarita wood before. It is quite striking. Is it available commercially anywhere?

Alan Trout
04-17-2011, 7:45 PM

I do not believe is is available commercially anywhere. It is a shrub and not real big, 6" at the base would be large. I however seen root balls in excess of 12". All of the wood in the is the bright yellow but generally only the roots are really big enough to do anything with.


Cathy Schaewe
04-17-2011, 8:49 PM
Wow, neat, neat, neat!!!!! Love the colors!

Baxter Smith
04-17-2011, 10:15 PM
That is one of the wildest color combinations I have seen. I can see why people would be drawn to it like a magnet!

John W Dixon
04-18-2011, 12:11 AM
Holy cow that is some cool looking wood. I like the piece it just screams to be looked at!

Kathy Marshall
04-18-2011, 12:20 AM
This is fantastic! I was so busy admiring the color combo that I didn't even notice the collar or foot! Those colors really work well together.

Dan Forman
04-18-2011, 3:38 AM
That's really wild! I haven't seen casting and wood on that scale before you posted these, only in pens. Very effective.
