View Full Version : Rotten Maple

bob edwards
04-16-2011, 5:30 PM
I think it was John Jordan that was quoted as saying something to the effect that there is too much good wood to turn bad wood. Or something like that. Well this proves his point. This maple was fresh cut and stored in a sealed plastic bag for about five weeks. Not just spaulted but rotten!
9"h X 7"w.

Steve Schlumpf
04-16-2011, 5:43 PM
Looks pretty good from here!

Was it rotten before you put it in the plastic bag? If not - I would give it a try again and pull it at the 3 or 4 week point and see if it is ready to turn. I have spalted my own White Birch and there is a very fine line between beautiful spalted lines and rotten wood that is to far gone to turn.

Don Alexander
04-16-2011, 5:47 PM
looks like some really good wood to me

bob edwards
04-16-2011, 5:58 PM
No Steve, it was fresh cut an kept in a sealed plastic bag for about 5 weeks. I figure I left it about 10 days or two weeks too long. I think it is an attractive enough piece but it tested my tool technique, my sharpening skills and my patients!!

David E Keller
04-16-2011, 7:03 PM
I'm with the others... It looks good to me. If I turned something really rotten, there'd be a lot more tearout. Nicely done.

mike caruso
04-17-2011, 9:41 AM
I had a similar experiance found maple log on side of road half rotted on one end and was able to get this bowl out of it, on one side of spalt hard maple on other a dried crumbly rot was able to turn it slow in stages adding shellac to harden wood but got a beautiful peice out of it.

Baxter Smith
04-17-2011, 10:21 AM
I think it looks good! Then again, I didn't have to turn it,;) but I still think it looks fine!