View Full Version : First Tool Gloat!!

Dan Cannon
04-15-2011, 5:00 PM
Up until now, I've been using some small(ish) tools that came with my lathe, mostly one gouge that I think is actually a spindle gouge on the few bowls I've completed. I've had enough "incidents" that led me to believe I may not be using the proper tools, and need a sturdy bowl gouge. I'm loving making bowls, and I'm a believer in buying the best tool you can afford. From everything I heard, Doug's tools are the best, so I went for it. Following his advice, I started with one tool for the job, and plan to practice practice practice! He was a huge help, and made me feel very confident that I made the right choice. Especially when it showed up in 2 days and in perfect packaging with all the parts/info I need.

Here's to the learning curve!


bob svoboda
04-15-2011, 5:11 PM
Nice gloat, Dan. You will love that gouge!

Kathy Marshall
04-15-2011, 5:15 PM
Congrats on the new tool! I love my Thompson gouges! If you've only been using a spindle gouge for bowls, you're in for a nice surprise, using the right tool for the job makes all the difference.

Bernie Weishapl
04-15-2011, 5:30 PM
Congrats on the new tool. You are going to love it.

Donny Lawson
04-15-2011, 5:34 PM
That's a nice piece. That's what I would like to have. It's nice to have your name on it too.

David E Keller
04-15-2011, 5:37 PM
Very cool! I've got a couple of Thompsons, but I haven't sprung for the personalized handles.

Doug W Swanson
04-15-2011, 6:27 PM
You should send me the tool before you use it. Then I can work out all of the kinks on my lathe. Once the tool is properly broken in (about 5 years) I will send the tool back to you.:D

Actually Doug's tools are really nice. I bought some about 6 months ago and they are great!

Dan Forman
04-15-2011, 6:44 PM
Thats a fine gouge, and will serve you well.


Harry Robinette
04-15-2011, 7:41 PM
Your going to love that gouge,Doug's tools cut extremely good and stay sharp allot longer then any I've found.

Cathy Schaewe
04-15-2011, 8:29 PM
Doug's gouges (and other tools) are worth the money, and then some ....

Steve Schlumpf
04-15-2011, 9:54 PM
Dan - congrats on your new gouge! Hard to determine from the photo - but what size is it and did you get the U or V? Just curious... have fun!

Dan Cannon
04-15-2011, 10:47 PM
Thanks everyone...I'm looking forward to getting in a test drive. but this being my wife's birthday weekend, it would be a bad time to disappear into the garage for any length of time. And I have a feeling I won't want to stop once I start. So it'll be a few days...

Steve - it's the V shaped, 5/8" gouge with the 20" handle. Doug said he usually suggests the 1/2" as the starter, but since my lathe has a higher minimum RPM level than most the newer lathes do, he felt the 5/8" would give me more stability, particularly during roughing.

John Keeton
04-16-2011, 7:06 AM
Dan, I have the 1/2" V from Doug, and it is has been a fantastic tool. I just received my 5/8" V in the mail a couple of days ago - a lot more tool than the 1/2"!! It will be effectionately known in my shop as "The Hog!"

Congrats - you will really enjoy this tool. I did not spring for Doug's handle, but I do like the idea of shot in the base. Hope to be able to accomplish that in the handle I make for mine.