View Full Version : Getting bored sitting around, so....

Jim Burr
04-15-2011, 1:43 PM
My type "A" has kicked in...if there are no blood and guts involved, my attention span is equivalent to a 3 year olds'. I though all this time off would be a turning blessing...hmmmmm:rolleyes:
First one is a little chunk of really pretty stuff my mentor gave me so he'll have to tell you what it is. Big chunk of rot on top limited the shape options. 3x3 with 1/8" walls, sanded to 400 and one coat of AO. I know the shoulder is sharp...but I like it!:cool:
Next is a 5x4 piece of apple sent from a generous benefactor back east. DNA'd it all wrong so checks are filled with espresso/CA. 1/4" walls because it kept moving on me. Finished in Mylands...really gave it a true color. Hand buffed Renwax. I jacked up the foot so no pics :eek:.

C&C usually used.


Tim Rinehart
04-15-2011, 1:59 PM
That apple is my favorite, nicely done, nice finish too. May want to consider a contrasting lid for it, perhaps emulate an apple stem. The shape of this piece is so close to being an apple...it would be a nice conversation piece.
The first piece, as you said, has a bit too sharp a turn at top shoulder,as you said, but great work on getting past the punk and finishing off nicely. This is another one that perhaps a nice lid would complement the sharpness someone...or, if you like as it is..just go with it!

Steve Schlumpf
04-15-2011, 9:38 PM
Jim - no idea what kind of wood your first one is but it sure is pretty! Sure like all the colors! Great job on the Apple! Would be cool - like Tim suggested - to turn a finial that looks like a stem!

Nice work on both! Hope you are starting to feel better and getting back to normal!

Harry Robinette
04-15-2011, 9:57 PM
Very nice work I really like the second one.