View Full Version : Glue Brushes

Von Bickley
04-15-2011, 9:29 AM
I don't know if you guys use them, but I just got some this past week and this was the best deal I could find. If you have a better source, please post.


Neil Brooks
04-15-2011, 9:34 AM
Thanks for the link.

Didn't do the math, to figure out what's a better deal, but I buy mine -- by the bag -- from Harbor Freight.

Most disposable things, from HF, work okay. The problem is ... many things from HF ... weren't really supposed to be disposable ;)

Rod Sheridan
04-15-2011, 9:44 AM
I haven't tried the acid brushes from peachtree, I use the Lee Valley brushes.

I found the LV brushes had nice stiff bristles, well crimped so they didn't leave bristles in the glue areas.

Regards, Rod.

Keith Westfall
04-15-2011, 10:54 AM
I use whatever ones I find the cheapest/on sale at the local stores.

When ever I grab one, it goes into the vise to "really crimp" it, the scissors come off the peg board to trim it shorter (so its a bit stiffer), it get used and either thrown, or into the water dish for later.


Don Jarvie
04-15-2011, 9:10 PM
Thats a very good deal. I bought some from Horror Freight I think 36 for 3.99 and are pretty good.

I pull on the brush a few times to get all of the loose bristles out prior to use.

Brian Kincaid
04-18-2011, 9:02 AM
Old toothbrush! Rinse with water after using. Perfect for dovetails.

glenn bradley
04-18-2011, 9:06 AM
That's a good deal Von. I use the little paddles more than the brushes but, the brushes do come in handy and I keep a supply around. Thanks.

Kent A Bathurst
04-18-2011, 9:42 AM
I use the acid brushes also - when I get low, I rummage around and find a deal somewhere and get a pack of, maybe, 25 at a time. But - for some time now, I find that I like 1/2" disposable chip brushes better for most work - trimmed back, they are almost the perfect fit for 3/4" - 13/16" board edges, etc. I get them in packs also - 25 or so - from wherever I get the best deal. That size isn't common at the local hardware or the BORGS, so I buy them on-line. Toss them in a thing of water, and then wash them out at the end of the task, and they last a good, long, while.

Steve Griffin
04-18-2011, 10:17 AM
Those are too small for me in most cases. I like the cheap 1" woodhandled brushes, which I keep standing up in water in a plastic jar. I cut the bristles back (with a quick whack of a chisel) about 50%.


Tony Bilello
04-18-2011, 3:06 PM
At Harbor Freight they are 1/2 that price @ 36 for $1.99 and sometimes cheaper.
I can't speak for quality issues because they are generally a one time use thing for me.
I recommend HF for these and I am NOT a fan of HF but this is one of the exceptions.