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View Full Version : Super Nova 2 or Oneway strong hold

Erik Johanson
04-14-2011, 11:40 AM
I have been looking into getting a chuck for my old delta/rockwell lathe. I have been looking at either the Super Nova 2 or the Oneway Strong hold and I am not sure which one I should get. I have been reading through and it appears that both systems are used quite regularly. My budget will only allow for one and being a new turner I am not sure if the Oneway is worth the extra dollars. If I get the super nova will I eventually want to upgrade to the Oneway? If so I will just spend the extra now instead of buying both. I use my lathe for all types of turning from bowls to bats to pens and hopefully some vessels once these hands get some more experience under them.

Thanks for your help

Roger Chandler
04-14-2011, 11:43 AM
The SuperNova2 will do most anything a Oneway will do, and you can get different size jaws for different applications......some people prefer the Oneway because it has serrated jaws, but you can get the serrated jaws for the SN2 as well......I did. Both are fine quality chucks that should last many, many years.

bob svoboda
04-14-2011, 11:59 AM
I have both. You can't go wrong with either one, but, if limited to one I would probably go with the Nova for reasons of cost and the ability to attach a variety of jaws.

Tim Rinehart
04-14-2011, 3:08 PM
Seems a no-brainer at $139. You won't find the Stronghold being marked down like that. I think the SN2 will do you well.
Also...if you lose the chuck key to the SN2, you can substitute with a hex key...can't do that with the Stronghold. I lost me SH key...ended up buying a chuck body to get a decent price on the key.

Alan Trout
04-14-2011, 3:11 PM
I have both and use both. The SN2 is a heck of a deal at $139


Steve Kubien
04-14-2011, 3:14 PM
I would go with the SuperNova because of the size of your lathe. An old delta/rockwell, I assume, has 12-14" of swing? The stronghold is a big chuck and of no extra value on a lathe that size. I have 2 SN2's and love them.

Brian Libby
04-14-2011, 4:06 PM
The stronghold is for large lathes- the talon would compare more to the supernova2. If price is an issue then the SN2 is probable less money( I was going to say cheeper but is is still a quality chuck)
Another point for the SN2 is that all nova jaws will fit the SN2 - Only stronghold jaws fit stronghold chucks.

Dan Forman
04-14-2011, 4:14 PM
The Oneway Talon is the equivalent size to the SN2. I prefer the Talon because of the serrated, non dovetail jaws. There are many other jaw options for both chucks, but I just prefer the Oneway jaws - no need to cut a dovetail tenon, and they hold really well.


Nathan Hawkes
04-14-2011, 4:31 PM
I have a Nova scroll chuck, SN2, and 2 strongholds. The Talon is comparable to the SN2, the stronghold is comparable to the Titan, I believe. A much larger chuck in all respects.
Grab that chuck at 139. The serrated jaws, however, give a much much stronger hold than the dovetails, in my opinion. On small bowls and boxes it may not matter, but with larger pieces of wood, go for the serrated ones, IMHO.

Roland Martin
04-14-2011, 4:50 PM
I'm very much considering buying a second SN2 at Woodcraft's $139 sale. IMO, this is a very good all-around chuck and is at a price you very seldom see for this chuck.

Lee Koepke
04-14-2011, 4:54 PM
You guys are gonna make me spend $140 that I dont need to right now ....

Steve Kubien
04-14-2011, 6:06 PM
A few people in this thread have mentioned the serated jaws of the Oneway chucks. I only recently started using these on my SN2 chucks and I LOVE them. Seems easier to shape the tenon without the dovetail needed for Nova jaws and I haven't had a tenon snap off...yet.

Just thought I would throw that out there.....

Tony De Masi
04-14-2011, 6:30 PM
I have both and use them regularly. I agree with Steve that the Sn2 is a better fit for your lathe than the Stonghold. And, at $139, you won't find it a a better price either.

Erik Johanson
04-14-2011, 6:39 PM
Thanks guys for all the great advice. I think I am going to go buy the nova before this sale ends. and keep an eye out for future sales to grab the serrated jaws.