View Full Version : Google Ad Problem?

mickey cassiba
04-13-2011, 2:48 PM
Has any one else noticed an anomaly with the Google banner that usually appears below the first post in my Chrome, it sometimes appears as though someone has taken a pencil eraser to it. I leave the ads on, I think I remember someone saying once that SMC got some form of support by allowing the ads. I'm not complaining, mind you, Google's targeting is getting pretty bad lately, I'm just wondering If I've got a local problem.

Jim Rimmer
04-13-2011, 4:44 PM
usually appears below the first post in my Chrome

I may be dense but I don't know what this means. :o

mickey cassiba
04-13-2011, 5:07 PM
Sorry I wasn't too clear Jim. My browser of choice is Google Chrome, Google ads usually appear directly below the first post in a new thread.

Dan Hintz
04-14-2011, 6:53 AM
I leave the ads on, I think I remember someone saying once that SMC got some form of support by allowing the ads.
Support is from people clicking on them... just having them appear on your screen doesn't do anything. It's the click-through that adds a few pennies to the kitty.

mickey cassiba
04-14-2011, 6:57 AM
I click on some of them, but the targeting seems to get a little wonky sometimes.

Myk Rian
04-14-2011, 8:00 AM
Right click on the ad, the Adblock. It will take you through the steps to stop it.
You can setup your profile to stop ads.

mickey cassiba
04-14-2011, 8:06 AM
Hi Myk...no problem with ads, I keep 'em on cause I do look every now and then, and as Dan said, every click is a little dough for the creek. My problem was in the display...they were illegible...that seems to have cleared up now. I was just trying to find out if anyone else had experienced this or my machine/connection was messing up.

mickey cassiba
04-14-2011, 8:21 AM
It's back...191459...got a screenshot this time