View Full Version : Inlay Question

Dick Wilson
04-13-2011, 10:42 AM
In one of Jimmy Clewes's videos he uses gold powder as an inlay. Have any of you used this powder???? I bought the powder and tried it, and was not happy with the results. When I turned off the excess it wasn't really gold looking. I think he mixed the powder with epoxy. What's the secret??????? thanks

I have used key shavings but was not happy with that either because along with the brass there are billions of grinding wheel speck in it which really dulls the brass finish.

Kyle Iwamoto
04-13-2011, 11:48 AM
I have not used gold alone, but I've used other colors of Super-fine Glitter (not the cheap kind from the *-mart stores) set with CA. The white turns clear though. I get my super fine glitter from the local craft store. You can give that a try. I'm happy with the results. I mix gold and silver in black powder and get a pretty nice black speckled granite-like result.

Tim Thiebaut
04-13-2011, 12:14 PM
Dick, try your local hardware store, or locksmith and ask then to empty the key machine trays, you will have all of the clean brass filings you could ever possibly use!

Jim Burr
04-13-2011, 12:17 PM
I haven't used Gold, but have used powdered stone and metals. I just mix with CA, spray and turn off the excess.

Bernie Weishapl
04-13-2011, 12:44 PM
I have never tried the gold but have used the brass from keys with epoxy. I have them empty the tray as Tim stated and haven't had a problem. Nice bright brass when the excess is turned off.

Tim Rinehart
04-13-2011, 1:04 PM
The other consideration is how/what you're using for epoxy. I have just dabbled a bit, and have found that some epoxy's dry with less 'yellowing' than others. System three is pretty good and even makes a crystal coat used for bar tops. To be honest, I've played with some copper dust, and wasn't thrilled. The way I've heard it's supposed to be done, and makes sense to me, is to mix up the resin with your dust/material, thoroughly, then add your hardener. All that being said, I'd practice on a few pieces to make sure you're getting proportions right. I was way off recently on a very small batch (hard to measure proportions...) and the stuff never hardened in 4 days.
Please provide what epoxy you're using and how you're doing it...it may help others who have experience to provide input to you.
Good luck...look forward to seeing a creation when you get it figured out to your liking.

Dick Wilson
04-13-2011, 1:15 PM
Dick, try your local hardware store, or locksmith and ask then to empty the key machine trays, you will have all of the clean brass filings you could ever possibly use!

Tim, Thanks, those are the filings I referred to. I have a large bag of them. I have packed the filings as tight as I can and used CA glue. It leave a molted look that isn't bright brass.

Dick Wilson
04-13-2011, 1:21 PM
Thanks guys, a friend gave me a block of walnut last night at my woodworking guild meeting. I started thinking in terms of inlay work of some kind. After turning the block round this morning I am having serious second thoughts about doing anything to it. The walnut is old growth, tight grain, and at least 6 different hues. WOW!! Mucking it up with color/inlay would be a crime. If anything, I might do a little woodburning but that would be it. I think the wood is screaming "leave me alone!!!".

Tim Thiebaut
04-13-2011, 2:19 PM
Tim, Thanks, those are the filings I referred to. I have a large bag of them. I have packed the filings as tight as I can and used CA glue. It leave a molted look that isn't bright brass.

I have been wanting to try this myself so I am curious to see the replys of some that have. I wonder if the "brass" you got is contaminated, alot of Hardware stores and locks shops also cut keys made from nickel silver, hide-a-keys made from plastic with a thin metal sheet in the middle for stability, some are even a zinc or aluminum alloy. Anyway I am curious to see what some that have tried this have to say as I would like to give this a shot myself.

John Keeton
04-13-2011, 2:51 PM
Tim, this is a bowl that has a System Three epoxy (tinted black) channel with brass filings from a key machine.
http://www.sawmillcreek.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=146389&d=1269636522&thumb=1 (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=146389&d=1269636522)
The thread is here (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?136534-27-Butternut-w-Black-and-Brass/page3) for more pics.