View Full Version : Blank processing equipment gloat

Alan Trout
04-13-2011, 1:06 AM
I have been super busy the last few month's between work, doing a complete shop overhaul and rearrangement and general cleanup for better function. I have not done any turning besides a natural edge bowl in the last 3 month's. Still working on the shop, but have finally gotten to do some turning. I will post on that later.

One thing I hate doing is cutting up wood for use. My Jet 14" with riser block bandsaw does the job but cutting bigger blocks is a bit slow. I can use the chainsaw but that is not always efficient either as I have to drag everything out to use it. I have wanted a big bandsaw for a long time but as always the money is always a question.

A couple or Saturday's ago I was teaching a turning class at one of our local woodworking machinery stores. A man came in and ask if anyone wanted a big bandsaw. He was willing to sell it cheap. I ask how big and what it was He said it was a blue Jet 24" and all he wanted was $500. I could not pass it up. Overall it is in pretty good shape. Tires are good, bearings are good and even had a good blade on it. I finally was able to bring all 1100lbs home this evening. It may take a couple of weeks to get it going but sure it will cut a little faster.

Here is a phone pic I think it was a pretty good buy. 191355



Greg Ketell
04-13-2011, 1:10 AM
Man that was a sweet deal. Talk about the right place at the right time!! Be sure to thank your guardian angels (or was it the budget demon? hmmmm)

Jon Prouty
04-13-2011, 1:36 AM
wow.... I have bandsaw envy!!!


Larry Dubia
04-13-2011, 2:00 AM
Now that is a lucky break. I just picked up a Jet 16" new and thought I had a good deal. Now I am jealous. Enjoy the new tool.


Norman Hitt
04-13-2011, 2:13 AM
Uh Oh,:rolleyes: I can see the beginning development of a Van Huskey "Clone".:D:D:D

Congratulations, looks like that ought to work well for your purpose, and the cost was very nice too.

Dan Forman
04-13-2011, 4:10 AM
Runnin' with the big dogs now! Reckon that ought to do the job.


John Hart
04-13-2011, 5:36 AM
Holy smokes Alan!! That would solve all my problems!! Well...except for maybe my car problems.


John Keeton
04-13-2011, 6:09 AM
Alan, what a score!!! Great saw for cutting turning blanks. Hope it functions well for you. Given the size and mass, I would think the guts of it would be in good shape, and all that would be required is a general tuneup.

Roger Chandler
04-13-2011, 7:03 AM
Some guys just fall into it without trying! Congratulations Alan! That one will get the job done!

Steve Vaughan
04-13-2011, 7:57 AM
Man, that thing would go just fine with that big ole lathe that was recently on here that someone's building! Very cool (and great!) deal!

Tim Rinehart
04-13-2011, 8:08 AM
SSSSSSWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET! Nice example of right place, right time, right cost! You'll enjoy that piece of iron I'm sure. I'm sure it can probably take some of those carbide tipped 1" blades I've heard about. Pricey perhaps...but should make life of cutting much easier.

jeff schnell
04-13-2011, 8:12 AM
nice, a few years ago I picked up a Delta/Unisaw with the blade welder on the outside for $250 but it needs all new bearings and a lot of cleaning up. It's still sitting in my studio (ok garage) and hopefully going to strip it down soon and give it a nice paint job too. Also it's about 800 so I have to use my engine hoist to move it around.

bob svoboda
04-13-2011, 8:49 AM
Great deal indeed. Congrat's on the score!

Harry Robinette
04-13-2011, 8:49 AM
Super score, can't beat that price !!!! Check out the brake system?? seams I heard something about the brake on these saws getting loose and having problems,wasn't anything big just something to check.Other then that your one lucky ________ !!!!!. I bought a 18" Rikon a couple months ago and love having it,Timber Wolf blade 1/2" = nice bowl blanks.Please be smart and keep your small saw it really is handy for cutting the little stuff around the shop.

Steve Schlumpf
04-13-2011, 9:24 AM
WOW! Bet the lights dim in a 4 block radius every time you fire that thing up!

Seriously - congrats on the saw! Pretty much eliminates bandsaw upgrades for the foreseeable future! Enjoy!

Alan Trout
04-13-2011, 9:30 AM
I don't think this saw was used much. It runs well the foot break is a little sticky from being gummed up which needs to be cleaned. I scratched the paint a bit on the backbone of the saw moving it as we moved it by hand. a couple of friends and I tilted it on the steel bed of a trailer and slid it in and back off so there is some minor rash but it was the only practical way for me to move it. I need to do a bit of cleaning on the table top and that is about it. It already has about 20ft of 10 gauge soo cord and all I have to do is putt a plug on it. I will probably clean it up nice and pretty one of these days but for now just get it up and going and in use will be nice. I will not have any time to do it till next week as I am getting ready for a showing at a gallery this weekend.

I am keep my 14" saw it was a X-mas gift from my wife about 9 years ago so I really should not get rid of it. Not only that I tuned it up well and it really cuts nice. I just needed a bigger saw for bigger jobs.


Nate Davey
04-13-2011, 9:44 AM
Lucky, good timing Alan.

Bernie Weishapl
04-13-2011, 9:51 AM
Congrats Alan. That looks like one fine saw. Should cut about anything.

Richard Jones
04-13-2011, 9:58 AM
Wow, that is a prime candidate for Gloat of the Year. I know you'll have fun cleaning and tweaking.


John W Dixon
04-13-2011, 6:18 PM
That is a great deal! Good score on that one.

Kirk Miller
04-13-2011, 6:41 PM
I am sure with that great big saw your going to get carried away and cut what seems to be more bowl blanks than you could ever use........Let me send you my address for you to get rid of a few.....LOL...Great Score........Congrats

Baxter Smith
04-13-2011, 7:06 PM
That should be able to cut about any blank you could lift onto the table. Great Deal!

Alan Trout
04-13-2011, 9:09 PM

Yes there are a few people that have sent me wood that I need to get some out to them. It will make cutting up the blanks much easier I just have to get the time, which will hopefully happen in the next week.


Donny Lawson
04-13-2011, 10:01 PM
Man, you suck. What a sweet deal. If you find another one let me know.