View Full Version : A few bowls

Bob Rotche
04-12-2011, 8:05 PM
Here are a few of the bowls I completed during my time at the John Campbell Folk School recently.

First is english walnut, 11" diameter, a bit over 3" deep and the most incredible crotch feather I've seen. About 1/4" thick, thicker at the rim for easy gripping

Second is myrtle, about the same dimensions, just a bit shallower

3rd is oak about 9" diameter, 4 1/2" deep

All 3 finished with danish oil, first 2 beall buffed. I love the figure on the walnut but am really pleased with the shape of the oak. Curious to hear what you all think. Please be honest, its the only way to improve.

C+C always appreciated.

Ken Hill
04-12-2011, 8:10 PM
Im sure someone might nitpick...but it would be on personal preference because they sure look great to me!

Cathy Schaewe
04-12-2011, 8:25 PM
I think you did a lovely job, and the feather on that walnut is indeed beautiful! My own preference would be for a somewhat smaller foot on the walnut and oak, but that's just my opinion. Regardless, you did a great job -

John Hart
04-12-2011, 8:26 PM
Geez...I can't image what to criticize. I went over them and over them. Great curves, great feet, thickness is on target, great sanding, finish is pleasing, all forms are excellent. Knock-out punch with the walnut feather.

Maybe you should find something you're not good at? :)

Michael Short
04-12-2011, 9:00 PM
All of them look great.

Deane Allinson
04-12-2011, 9:14 PM
Really, really nice. Love the Oak shape and grain. All three are great.

Donny Lawson
04-12-2011, 9:23 PM
I'll agree..,,,, NIIICCCEEEE.. Love them all.

Pete Jordan
04-12-2011, 9:27 PM
Very impressive!!!

Who was your instructor?

Keith E Byrd
04-12-2011, 9:28 PM
Very Nice - I REALLY like that walnut feather!

Jim Burr
04-12-2011, 9:34 PM
Picture perfect Bob!! That's bowl making at it's best!!

David E Keller
04-12-2011, 9:51 PM
That's a lovely trio, and I don't see a bad one in the bunch. For me, the oak bowl is the show stopper because I absolutely love the form. I generally avoid feet on my bowls, but I can't imagine any of the three without them. Seriously nice work!

Bob Rotche
04-12-2011, 9:51 PM
Thanks so much for all the kind words. I truly value the opinions of people on this site. I follow on a daily basis and am continually inspired to try to approach the quality of work that is so often posted here. My teacher for the week at the Campbell Folk School was Dale Larson who is an outstanding bowl turner and these are attempts to follow his style. He is one of the officers of the AAW and was an excellent teacher. Also, by the way, you might want to check ebay this week where they are having a fundraising auction with works by many of the top woodturners (Dale included). I believe you can link there from the AAW site or search for ebay store "AAW POP auction" or something like that. Would love to own one of their pieces but all of my disposable income is currently earmarked for the Powermatic company...

Curt Fuller
04-12-2011, 9:53 PM
I love all three bowls. I agree with you on the spectacular figure in the English Walnut. I also like the idea of the wide edge on the rim for grip. The figure in the Myrtle bowls is pretty nice two. And the end view of the Oak bowl showing the rays really looks good. I think my only criticism, and it's purely a personal point of view, is the foot on the myrtle and oak bowls. I like having a foot to elevate a bowl and you can see how they are elevated in comparison to the walnut bowl. But I think a foot looks better if the foot blends into the contour of the bottom of the bowl rather than having the abrupt break in the curve. These are three very nice bowls!

Richard Jones
04-12-2011, 9:56 PM
No nit-picking here.........

Of the three, I think the myrtle has the best shape. I agree with the above about the foot on the oak, and the bottom curve on that piece could maybe be a bit shallower, spec., bowl could be a bit shorter so the height-width thing works together. Maybe some type of feature would break that up a bit, like a bead down in the lower third. Perhaps the rim sloping the other way would draw the eye away from the foot. With the 11" size of the walnut, I don't think that foot will be seen very much anyway, and the height could give it a nice lift/shadow line. We only see it because of the angle of the photo.

Again, I like them all, but the myrtle really nailed it for me, that is a classic shape and just doesn't go out of style.

Thanks for sharing.


Steve Schlumpf
04-12-2011, 10:05 PM
Bob - you did real good on all three bowls! Each has something a little different to offer but I do like the common theme of a slightly slanted rim. To me - that always adds a touch of something unexpected to go along with the great looking wood.

I'm not a personal fan of feet on bowls - but in this case - they do give each of the bowls some lift and add to the overall look.

Very nice work! Thanks for sharing!

David DeCristoforo
04-12-2011, 10:10 PM
"I love the figure on the walnut but am really pleased with the shape of the oak..."

I agree with you 100%. The walnut feather is very sweet but the oak bowl is so much more appealing due to the superior form. That's a beautiful bowl.

John Keeton
04-12-2011, 10:24 PM
They are all great bowls!! I am a "foot" guy, so I will stand apart from the crowd on that. I think the oak bowl is the better form, but would like it more if the bottom came in a little quicker - i.e., not quite as tall. The foot on the walnut appears about right to me, and while I like the myrtle, the foot may be a little too high - hard to tell from the pic. All three are definitely well done!

Dan Forman
04-12-2011, 10:58 PM
These bowls are a treat to behold. On pure form. I agree that the oak takes the prize, and the walnut for figure, thought the myrtle has some nice things happening in it too. Must have been a fun class.


Baxter Smith
04-13-2011, 12:01 AM
Nice work on all three and each one is unique.

Bernie Weishapl
04-13-2011, 10:16 AM
Really nice looking bowls. I do love the walnut one.

charlie knighton
04-13-2011, 10:31 AM
very nice.....