View Full Version : A little something from the archive.

Dan Forman
04-12-2011, 5:24 AM
Since I'm on hiatus from the shop, I thought I would post this little weed pot from this winter that I never got around to shooting. It's about 6" high by nearly 3" wide, drilled and not hollowed. It's based on the shape of a little vase my mom had that I always liked. Wood is spalted maple, gone a little past prime, so that tear out was a bit of a problem. I gave it a good soaking in Waterlox, let it dry, which stiffened up the fibers well enough to cut cleanly. After that and sanding to 600, it got a bunch of coats of Antique Oil, then buffed.

John Keeton
04-12-2011, 5:58 AM
Dan, for punky wood, it sure finished out nice! Good move on soaking in Waterlox. Very nice form and rather unique.

John Hart
04-12-2011, 6:02 AM
Interesting color you achieved Dan! Was that a function of the waterlox soak? Very cool.
How much time you got left on your healing?

Michelle Rich
04-12-2011, 6:37 AM
the color is just wonderful..good job turning the punk..you sure got it sanded & finished well

Keith E Byrd
04-12-2011, 7:57 AM
Very nice Weed pot. I have seen this term used several times - so what is a weed pot(pardon my ignorance!)? another term for a vase?

Hayes Rutherford
04-12-2011, 9:33 AM
I saw that one in person. Nice! Any thoughts on when you will be able to turn again or what the next project might be?

John Hart
04-12-2011, 10:12 AM
... I have seen this term used several times - so what is a weed pot(pardon my ignorance!)? another term for a vase?

Keith..it is a pot with weeds. Hope this helps:D

Just kidding. :) A weed pot is essentially a spindle turning with a hole drilled in it. Yes...a vase of sorts. Some people will drill the hole to accommodate a test tube so they can put a bit of water in there for rose buds and stuff. Some can be quite beautiful and they make quick gifts.

Mark Hubl
04-12-2011, 10:59 AM
Really interesting color for maple. Finished up nicely for being punky. Cool.

Dan Forman
04-12-2011, 3:23 PM
Thanks for all the comments about the weed pot and my current condition.

John K --- Luckily the wood wasn't too bad, mainly the end grain caused the difficulty - rough surface but not deeply pitted.

John H --- I thought the Waterlox would darken it more, but by time it dried, the color returned to normal. The color is mainly due to the spalting. Fingers are scabbed over, but still quite sensitive to pressure and temperature. Might try something light, like a pen soon and see how that goes. Saw the doc yesterday, he said another 3 or 4 weeks for the ring finger, could remain sensitive for another couple of months after that.

Keith --- A weed pot is basically a small vase that is simply drilled rather than hollowed. Without a glass tube, one can still display dried grasses and seed heads in them.

Hayes --- Will be starting small, see how that goes. Still can't fully close my left han, fingers are a bit swollen.

Here is an informal pic of it with some decoration...



Keith E Byrd
04-12-2011, 4:09 PM
Thanks John - I appreciate the distinction! I had already figured out your first definition!:D