View Full Version : An Apology II

Johnny Kleso
04-11-2011, 6:55 PM
I just seen the post..

I was going to write George a private message but thought it might be best to make this an open post..

I want to say I too have been guilty of this at times of being arrogant and I can think of several times I disagreed with George too strongly.

To any and all of those I may have offened and offer my apology..

Being ill is not the eaisest thing to deal physically or mentally...
Often I might take out my frustration with out relizing it..
I'm not dying just in pain evey day and it is no excuse..

Thanks for listening

george wilson
04-11-2011, 7:06 PM
Johnny,I cannot recall you treating me badly. In fact,you have been quite a good friend. I do need to not get too wound up. You have never posted nasty remarks behind my back or sent me nasty emails,or suddenly turned on me out of envy. I know you have never meant me any harm.

All I really want is for people to be straight with me,and give reasonable answers. I never envy the good work others do,and there are some pretty spectacular pieces in the projects section. I soak up information like a sponge,especially inspiration like beautiful work such as Ernie's harpsichords,or great furniture. I take the information I can get,and use it as a library in my head to make something nice myself. Some people do become envious. That's the truth. To learn to do GOOD work,one must be able to learn from others who do great work,and not just get jealous and dismiss it. That accomplishes nothing. When I go to the Met,or another great museum,I very readily see how good I will NEVER become. I look,learn,and try to remember.

I do have a lot of pain all the time,and stresses that others do not know about. Steroid shots really make me crazy for a time,but I must have them. Many of us old guys are in the same boat on that.

None of these things is a total excuse for getting upset,but they don't help a lot either.

I think you have a lot of credit due you for admitting you have fouled up,too. I know I do wrong,but I am willing to admit it at least. Some aren't. I think you are a good man. Your disagreements must not have been too bad since I can't remember them.

Today I have had a slew of supportive emails which I am grateful for.

David Weaver
04-12-2011, 8:33 AM
John, I've been short with plenty of people plenty of times, and never do hold much opinion back (here or in real life). I usually notice who gets short like me, too, and I've never known you to be one of those folks. In fact, I've never known you to be anything other than forthright and honest and when you say something I trust it is what you say it is and it's not colored by anything offensive or offputting.

I value your posts and your opinion.

Pam Niedermayer
04-12-2011, 9:15 AM
I also wish to let Pam know that I was not meaning to sound upset with her,and if it came across that way,I am sorry as it was not my intent.

No, not at all. And in all fairness, you still haven't the answer you wanted; although I meant it when I said that the results should speak for themselves as a partial answer. Anyhow, I'm working on it, just found the Odate book (Anybody want a signed copy? :)).


george wilson
04-12-2011, 9:22 AM
So,what do it say????? Someone apparently thought I sounded upset with you. I don't know why. The written word can come across differently to different readers,i am sure.

Pam Niedermayer
04-12-2011, 10:15 AM
So,what do it say????? Someone apparently thought I sounded upset with you. I don't know why. The written word can come across differently to different readers,i am sure.

Well, they didn't hear it from me; but then I've had my share of run ins in other forae, so I'm more or less impervious. If I ever feel attacked, I fight back immediately. Most moderators don't like that, but then they don't usually jump in to defend me quickly. All kinds of firsts this week. And I think this is a note on which to end this. :)


george wilson
04-12-2011, 10:21 AM
O.K.,ended,but I really would appreciate if if you would tell me what Odate's book says about kanna soles. You can PM me about it if you wish,if nothing else.

Russell Sansom
04-12-2011, 12:04 PM
A brief and friendly note.
I'm one of those you've hopped on a couple times. Since ( at least in my mind ) I usually know what I'm talking about when I make a comment, I figured that George Wilson was a brilliant, well-spoken guy who was having some kind of problem. At my house I'm watching a loved-one gradually lose her faculties, so my tolerance for further negative stuff is greatly diminished. I think your recognition of your anger --- a common side effect of large doses of cortisone in my experience --- is a very brave and proper thing to publish. It's a fitting act of the George we all have come to think so highly of. I will feel a little more comfortable making comments here on SMC in the future. So, thanks. ---Russ

Pat Barry
04-12-2011, 1:02 PM
Please remove the Sticky on the first thread. We don't need to see that the rest of our lives here.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-12-2011, 1:42 PM
The original thread will remain a sticky for 1 week only.

Bob Strawn
04-12-2011, 3:00 PM
It frightens me to think that you hold some craftsmen in such regard as to consider them out of reach since your work seems to be fairly close to if not at the apex to me. :)

George, while you can appear rough at times, I treasure you, your advice and the inspiration you have given freely. I respect that you are a master of many crafts, and that you pioneered many areas where methods were forgotten. In turn the generosity you have shown, while giving us your best advice on how to reproduce the results you came up with. I am quite sure you are still showing the scars of your work.

There is no chance that I will be able to repay in any measure, the value of what you have taught me in your articles and responses. While I have had some small disagreements, I have been very, very careful to redo my research before voicing them before you.

In my case, I consider your great generosity and your mastery of so many skills as a license to express yourself strongly. While I hardly consider myself a worthy enough craftsman to justify such a relationship, I do consider you a mentor.


george wilson
04-12-2011, 3:13 PM
Thank all of you for your kind remarks. I really must not be so grumpy.

Mike Holbrook
04-13-2011, 4:52 PM
I believe I was the OP on the original thread. I sent a note to the moderating team trying to figure out why the thread was put on hold. The response indicated that they thought tempers were flaring and they wanted people to have some cool off time. I have nothing but positive thoughts for all those who posted on the thread. I know it can be tough to express frustration over a topic or hot subject matter without the typed words seeming to be flaming a person instead of "arguing" a point of view.

I know knots heads like me tend to ask questions that have history behind them without realizing we are stirring a hornets nest of emotion. Hopefully we will all learn how to discuss these emotional topics with more finesse from this experience. I have learned a thing or two from this discussion. I'm thinking about picking a fight with the wife later and trying them out *g*

Martin Shupe
04-16-2011, 1:41 PM
I must have missed the problems. I've been away for a couple weeks.

I'd just like to say that I appreciate all the wisdom and knowledge that both Johnny and George have so generously shared with the forum over the years. You are both invaluable to me for the knowledge you have shared.

I may not always comment, but I have read lots of posts by both George and Johnny, and I have been awed and learned a heck of a lot of interesting stuff.

Please, both of you, keep posting.