View Full Version : Oneway Easy Core

Jonathan Spool
04-11-2011, 1:32 PM
In the event my WTB in Classified doesn't pan out, Does anyone know of a vendor that will sell me a full set at less than Mfg suggested retail? Craft Supply no longer carries the item, Packard and Highland are full retail. If I need to pay full retail I might as well go straight to Oneway for the item as that way I am sure to get the correct clamp plate.

Jack Mincey
04-11-2011, 4:10 PM
I bought my set at Hartville tool. If you wait for their sales you can save over a hundred dollars or more on the whole set. http://www.hartvilletool.com/product/12714

Grant Wilkinson
04-13-2011, 10:44 AM
Woodchuckers sells for less than full retail. His site is http://www.woodchuckers.com/

He's in Canada, so I'm not sure if you will save by the time he can get it to you, but it's worth a call. John is a great guy to deal with.