View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
04-11-2011, 9:24 AM
11 APR 2011

Good Morning Everyone,
We got woke up early this morning to storms and rain moving through the area. It's fairly peaceful here now, but it was kinda bumpy for a bit this morning.

Got some wood prepared for making more utensils for the family. The wedding day is drawing closer and I'm pretty sure I will run out of time before the wedding day arrives.

May Dad isn't doing well but at least the most recent report is that the cancer hasn't grown any. I just wished that they could get his pain under control.

Been sick since last Wednesday evening. Feeling some better today, but have a call in to the doctor.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Neil Brooks
04-11-2011, 9:36 AM
May Dad isn't doing well but at least the most recent report is that the cancer hasn't grown any. I just wished that they could get his pain under control.

I'm a Pain Clinic patient.

Wonderful, caring, and compassionate people, but ... in THAT specialty ... when they can't get it right ... it can be very messy. I hope they find relief for your father soon, and increase his quality of life.

And ... YOU take care of yourself, too !

Me ?

I learned what we all already know: test first.

Turns out .... Elmer's Wood Filler ... really doesn't take stain, AND ... white looks silly against walnut.

So ... I'll be [gasp] using a little touch-up paint, or ... digging it all out ... before my latest box is finished ;)

But I was pretty happy with my first-ever wooden hinges:


Matt Meiser
04-11-2011, 9:54 AM
I spent a fair amount of time working on my daughter's jewelry box. Her birthday is in a week and its getting down to the wire. I'm planning to finish up the woodworking tonight or tomorrow, then a lot of sanding and finish which is going to be either shellac or Seal-A-Cell and Arm-R-Cell so it should go quick, which is good because I also need to flock the drawers and epoxy in the pulls and hangers.

Callan Campbell
04-11-2011, 9:59 AM
Cleaned up the yards and garden box for more planting later this week. Added flower seeds and fresh soil to street/curb tree base just to do battle with the young tree roots that live right below the surface[I always lose, but at least the tree knows I mean business] It's such a rats nest of tangled roots that we don't bother trying to plant established flowers or small plants for the season anymore, you'd need a power till or a chainsaw to hack your way through.
Sanded and primed white painted flowerbox after reworking bottom of it. Sanded and oiled another flowerbox that houses a plastic round flower pot in the center. Got to use my Festool RO 90 sander for some real work, had only just bought it a few weeks ago. Still getting used to it, but it's handy for sure.

Ruhi Arslan
04-11-2011, 10:12 AM
Since the ground was finally dry enough to walk on, it was time to do a Spring cleanup. Also built a shelter for the fire wood with a platform underneath and a roof. Also, was able to work on the bench a little. Now the front apron with the dog holes are glued to the center making the top officially complete. Made 1/4" filler pieces for the dog holes 1" below the surface which took quite a bit time. Pre-installed the front and tail vises. Looks good so far.
I learned a lesson too. While using chisel, it is not a good idea to slide the edges against your fingers for support. I have so many little cuts on one finger and it hurts...

Ryan Hellmer
04-11-2011, 10:38 AM
Mom had to work so daughter (8 mos) and I had ALL day saturday to hang out. She was super and we strolled around the yard picking up sticks and getting some other cleanup done. Yesterday after church I got the 4 slideouts for the kitchen cabinets assembled and some oak planed down for an upcoming project. Got the garage about 30% cleaned out too. Too many projects at once and I'm hoping to stay ahead of the yard work this year... we'll see.

04-11-2011, 11:44 AM
More work on the first of 3 bathrooms scheduled for remodeling. We hung some more HardyBacker board as underlayment for the tile. Hung some sheet rock. Rough wired for the pump on the new whirlpool bath tub. Did a little pluming on the bath tub drain in attempt to match up connections. Set the bath tub. Drew some plumb lines on the wall; screwed in a horizontal and vertical starter support strip; mixed up the first batch of thinset. My wife started tiling above the tub late yesterday afternoon. So, some progress made! Now, looks like I need to explore options to upgrade the tile saw - lots of cutting down the road.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-11-2011, 12:08 PM
Since I'm Home Alone again, I got the laundry caught up, mowed and trimmed the lawn for the 2nd time this year and trimmed one tree. My wife wil/ be glad to know that due to the fact that all of the yard waste trash cans being full, I stopped trimming the white dogwood tree before I killed it.........maybe......

David Hostetler
04-11-2011, 12:13 PM
This was a cleanup weekend for me. Mowed, weed eating, edging, hedge trimming, tree trimming (not finished sorry...) laying out the Amdro for the fire ants that are trying to migrate to my yard from the neighbor's place. I also spent some time cleaning up in the shop, and ripping 1x4 Hardie Trim into 1x2. I don't know if they make 1x2, but it's what I need... I also test fit my AC ducts, and did some measuring there, rolled out 2 more rolls of insulation in the attic, and then remembered, I am not in my 20s any more and all this work HURTS...

I also spent some time studying for my RHCE 6 exam, and going over some CSS tutorials. I am getting really rusty in web development skills and need to catch back up...

Jim Rimmer
04-11-2011, 1:01 PM
LOML and I drove up to Chappel Hill to see what few bluebonnets there are this year (too dry) and didn't know it was festival weekend. We went in for awhile. Bought a wine stopper from a woodworker and chatted with him for a bit. Gave him a lead on exotic wood source in Houston. The wind and dust was terrible so we went home. On Saturday I had decided to participate in neighborhood garage sale. I have another post about that fiasco. Sold nothing; I'm done with GS; I'll donate the stuff and write it off on my taxes.

James Baker SD
04-11-2011, 2:18 PM
Not really woodworking, only preparation for future woodworking (shop cleanup-reorganization). Installed two upgrades on Laguna Bandsaw. First was the Baldor 4.5 HP motor. Really happy with that. Went smoothly, works like a charm. Second was the Drift Master fence. Less happy. The idea is great, but the implementation details (thought it was a Laguna design, but nothing fits well on my saw so now guess they just bought it from a 3rd party) and the Chinese manufacturing tolerances leave a lot to be desired. Haven't tested it yet, so I may still be happy, but not impressed so far.


Dave MacArthur
04-11-2011, 2:23 PM
Spent the weekend up on a ladder scraping and sanding peeling paint from a house soffit and facia. Getting ready to re-paint the house. Not fun! It did allow me to buy and use a new tool, which made things easier. Here's my impressions:
Festool RO 90 DX first impressions (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?164005-Festool-RO-90-DX-first-impressions)

John McCaskill
04-11-2011, 2:58 PM
My LOML mentioned Chappell Hill, but I knew we hadn't had enough rain for any serious show of Bluebonnets, so I managed to talk her into a trip to Lowe's instead. Cost me, though. New chair pads/backs for the 4 chairs in the sunroom. Who do you get exotic wood from in Houston?

LOML and I drove up to Chappel Hill to see what few bluebonnets there are this year (too dry) and didn't know it was festival weekend. We went in for awhile. Bought a wine stopper from a woodworker and chatted with him for a bit. Gave him a lead on exotic wood source in Houston. The wind and dust was terrible so we went home. On Saturday I had decided to participate in neighborhood garage sale. I have another post about that fiasco. Sold nothing; I'm done with GS; I'll donate the stuff and write it off on my taxes.

Shawn Pixley
04-11-2011, 3:04 PM
After a long and brutal week at work, i had a short but brutal weekend. Saturday, I replaced the flush valve valve for the master bath toilet. I took longer to disassemble than to replace. Did laundry and bought supplies for my upcoming trip. Went to buy some shirts for work. What fun that was. Haircut and packed suitcase for travel. Great dinner with SWMBO and son's girlfriend. Son was recording late and decided not to drive back late, and I couldn't sleep out of concern for him. Woke up Sunday to drive two hours to airport. Then flew for a total of 15 hours and arrived Brazil. Now back at work. Will work thru next Sunday and the fly home. Happy to be working. It is good work and important, but right now my work / life balance is out of whack. -End of rant-

Douglas Clark
04-11-2011, 3:36 PM
I already gloated over the weekend... But what the heck, here it is again. I got my G0555x bandsaw from Grizzly all assembled and set up for use. YEA! I also went and purchased a bit of shop equipment including some new hearing protection and a galvanized steel trashcan to use with my dust separator lid. Setting my DC up will be next weekends task.

Also, Sunday went to church in the morning and just relaxed in the afternoon with the family. We started a new family activity this weekend of reading each night to our 5 and (soon to be) 7 year old. We've started with The Hobbit and Daddy is getting lots of practice doing different voices as he reads. Lots of fun! Finally I ended by putting together a chore chart for myself this week, including all the work I need to do for my Master's project. Chore charts are the only way I get things done. If I satisfactorily complete my chore chart this week, I get to play with my bandsaw next weekend. (fingers crossed)

Jerome Hanby
04-11-2011, 4:34 PM
After messing with it off and on, building some jigs, and reading everything I could find, I finally got my lock miter bit setup dialed in for cutting the complimentary joints in 3/4" material. Took me far more than the 3 or 4 test cuts per position that is described on workshopdemos, but I finally got there. Then I look back at my whole reason for messing with this thing, and find I should have been dialing in for 1/2" material. So, I made a run to Woodcraft to pick up some UHMW blocks and cut a piece to use as a setup block and ran it across through the bit with the current setup so I can get back to 3/4" when I need to in the future. Second time through dialing in for 1/2" still took more cuts that woodshopdemos, but fewer than my 3/4" setup. Used the other end of my UHMW to record the 1/2" setup.

After all is said and done, I'd say avoid this joint if you do not have micro-adjustment facilities for your router bit height and fence (or buy a bit that comes with setup blocks). A tall jig to feed the material in the upright position is practically a must. I re-purposed the tall fence I originally built for this cutting joint by adding a thin vertical block for the material to sit against as I feed it into the bit with the face of the material riding the router table fence. The re-purposed fence is made form MDF and is pretty heavy, but that turned out to be a good thing. It made feeding the material very smooth. At some point I'm going to work out a good method of attaching a taller fence to my Freud micro-adjustable fence, but with the tall guide jig, the stock fence was sufficient.

Jim Rimmer
04-11-2011, 5:16 PM
My LOML mentioned Chappell Hill, but I knew we hadn't had enough rain for any serious show of Bluebonnets, so I managed to talk her into a trip to Lowe's instead. Cost me, though. New chair pads/backs for the 4 chairs in the sunroom. Who do you get exotic wood from in Houston?

Clark's Hardwood http://www.clarkshardwoodlumberco.com/index.php Use GPS or Mapquest. They are in the Heights but hidden.

John McCaskill
04-11-2011, 9:43 PM
Clark's Hardwood http://www.clarkshardwoodlumberco.com/index.php Use GPS or Mapquest. They are in the Heights but hidden.

OK, I remember it now - as Hardwood Lumber Company. I never noticed the name change to Clark's Hardwood Lumber Company. Widest hardwood selection in Houston IMHO, but I haven't been there in a couple of years. Thanks!