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View Full Version : My Family with my New Boy

Mark ten Haaf
04-10-2011, 11:49 PM
My wife and I were blessed this weekend with a son. He is our second child; we have a daughter, Jaiva who is just over a year and a half.
His name is Bauer.
Born April 9.

I'm so proud of my wife. She's been an amazing wife and mother. I've been given much that I do not deserve and I'm thankful beyond words. Here are the gifts that I've been given.

My amazing, steadfast wife.
My beautiful daughter.
My healthy boy.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-10-2011, 11:52 PM
Mark...you have been, indeed, blessed! Congratulations!

Somethings in life are important.....most aren't......this is!!!! Beautiful family!

Douglas Clark
04-11-2011, 1:28 AM
Congratulations. Aren't families great?!

Belinda Barfield
04-11-2011, 8:00 AM
Congratulations on your beautiful and special family! That last photo is so precious it made me shed a tear or two.