View Full Version : I Might As Well....

Dick Wilson
04-10-2011, 11:55 AM
delete the photos of my nice clean shop;) After four bowls my lathe area is back to normal. At times I can't see my floor. I broom the shavings once in a while so I don't end up turning while kneeling. My back wall has ribbon shavings hanging everywhere like Christmas tree tinsel....a testament to sharp tools:D Ahhh, the view looks like progress:D:D:D

Steve Schlumpf
04-10-2011, 12:03 PM
And the photos of the new look are where?

Tim Thiebaut
04-10-2011, 12:38 PM
All that matters is your having fun!

Dick Wilson
04-10-2011, 1:11 PM
For whatever it's worth. I am back in comfort level..... I feel at home:D190972

Tim Thiebaut
04-10-2011, 1:13 PM
LOL...reminds me of pictures in the south of moss hanging from the trees. Nice looking shop to.

Dick Wilson
04-10-2011, 1:16 PM
All that matters is your having fun!

Turning is fun, but these bowls were repeatitive. Commission work. Yea, money is great but like a lot of you I really get revved up designing one of a kind pieces. Now that I am done with the bowls I can return to my new design.

John Keeton
04-10-2011, 1:33 PM
Dick, I had such high hopes for you!!!:rolleyes: You are a complete disappointment!:D And, to think, you let money take you back to your old ways - such a common story.

Fred Perreault
04-10-2011, 1:41 PM
Dick.... nice looking "studio"...... :)

Dick Wilson
04-10-2011, 2:05 PM
Dick, I had such high hopes for you!!!:rolleyes: You are a complete disappointment!:D And, to think, you let money take you back to your old ways - such a common story.

John, I thought twice about even posting. I just knew it would ruin your day and for that I deeply apologize.:D:D A guy has to do what a guy has to do:D:D. I will never be a fastidious cleaner such as yourself. I know it will never happen because you have taken so much guff about your shop pictures, but, I dream of the day when you feel brave enough to show us a picture RIGHT after you turn something without touching a broom:D:D:D:D

If I showed you pics of the rest of my shop (benches, etc.) you would have vapor lock and I certainly do not want to cause that. ROFL.

Dan Forman
04-10-2011, 5:03 PM
Well, I hope John recovers from the shock and manages to make something of the weekend. I sense that you, on the other hand, are happy as a clam, whatever that means. It certainly looks like you have been busy.

I agree that I'd love to see a pic of his shop BEFORE cleaning up after one of his projects, if nothing else just to confirm that it's not all done with a laser or some other sort of wood vaporizer. :D


Jim Underwood
04-10-2011, 5:08 PM
Ok, is it just me, or does the photo look a little "staged"? :confused:The shavings have that "flung tinsel" look, as if someone randomly picked up gobs of it and tossed on the surroundings.

I'm thinking this was done just for John's benefit...:D

Faust M. Ruggiero
04-10-2011, 5:13 PM
Except for the missing pot of gravy and the heavenly smell of sauteed garlic, your shop looks like my wife's kitchen when she is making giant quantities of homemade macaroni and hanging them everywhere to dry. It's a great look. The bad news, I get to eat the pasta. Sooner or later, you have to clean up the "wooden spaghetti" and bag it.

Dick Wilson
04-10-2011, 5:25 PM
Ok, is it just me, or does the photo look a little "staged"? :confused:The shavings have that "flung tinsel" look, as if someone randomly picked up gobs of it and tossed on the surroundings.

I'm thinking this was done just for John's benefit...:D

Jim, Actually the grinder was totally covered. I have to brush off the shavings to grind. The shavings hang from the cubby holes even worse than that. I have to clean them off to get at something in a cubby hole. The shavings on the light were untouched. Hey, would I try to BS you guys?:confused::confused::confused::confused::D;); )

patrick stein
04-10-2011, 8:36 PM
hey there dick,

lovin the shop yes.


Dick Wilson
04-10-2011, 10:14 PM
Faust, Yea I know. I pack all the shavings in lawn yard bags. I have been known to hump 10-12 of them up the stairs:(:(:(:(:(:(:(