View Full Version : Claro Walnut Lidded Box

Tim Thiebaut
04-10-2011, 7:37 AM
While browsing the old posts in the forum I came across a piece done by Curt Fuller, Curt was kind enough to give me permission to try and replicate his turning, here is Curt's posting...Thanks Curt.


My version is a little taller then the original, and I dont know the dimensions of the original I was just going by what the picture looked like to me. Claro walnut body and finial, maple lid. Sanded to 600, 8 coats of WOP, "7 overall by "3 1/2. I have not buffed this piece yet, until I practise buffing on something a little less important to me this thing isnt going near the buffer.

John Keeton
04-10-2011, 7:53 AM
Very nice rendition, Tim!! Not sure what caused it, but the darker area close to the top of the form kind of adds some interest - almost a burnished look. Nice fit on the lid, too. You are moving forward with record speed - I predict some great results from your turning efforts.

Michelle Rich
04-10-2011, 7:58 AM
it's very nice in it's own right. pleasing box.

Tim Thiebaut
04-10-2011, 8:03 AM
Thanks guys! John it has the same finish all the way around, that burnshed area is in all of the photos I have taken, it is a glare or something in the picture only, but isnt on the piece itself...see my next posting its there to.

Bernie Weishapl
04-10-2011, 10:36 AM
Tim that is a great looking piece and very well done. I like the form and finish.

Steve Schlumpf
04-10-2011, 10:54 AM
Well that sure turned out nice! I like the burnished effect around the lip of the box - even if it is not there in real life. Might be something to consider adding to a future project!

Michael James
04-10-2011, 11:13 AM
Very nice work Tim. You seem to be on a roll..... run with it!!!

Les Elm
04-10-2011, 11:39 AM
Very eye pleasing form and finish Tim.
Well done.


David DeCristoforo
04-10-2011, 11:50 AM
I really like this, Tim. It's so deceptively simple and yet there is so much there to hold our interest. If I was going to "critique" anything, it would be the flare at the top of the finial which could be a bit "sweeter". But that does not take away from the whole in any significant way. And I agree with John about the darker tone at the rim. That really adds something.

Curt Fuller
04-10-2011, 12:27 PM
Tim, your's has a much more slender and refined look to it than mine. I like your version much better.
And just as a comment to your comment on asking permission, hopefully without sidetracking this post. You nor anyone else ever has to ask for my permission to use an idea I've done. There's such a long line of genealogy in this whole inspiration thing. I've been inspired or outright copied on every piece I've ever turned. I post my work knowing and in fact hoping that someone might like it enough to have a go at it themselves.

Baxter Smith
04-10-2011, 12:45 PM
Very nice job Tim. I really like this one both in form and wood combo!

jwjerry w kowalski
04-10-2011, 1:44 PM

That's a beauty, the elegant lines and proportions make the piece.

David E Keller
04-10-2011, 2:26 PM
That's cool... I like the look of flat top boxes, and this is a nice one. I agree with DD about that little hiccup about a third of the way down from the top of the finial.

Dan Forman
04-10-2011, 5:24 PM
That is a really elegant lidded box, very nice indeed.


Bob Bergstrom
04-10-2011, 6:58 PM
If it isn't there find a way to put it there That little darken area just add to a already beautiful box. An airbrush or maybe some black shoe polish.

John Hart
04-10-2011, 7:18 PM
Great lookin' piece sir. Begs to be fondled.

Roger Chandler
04-10-2011, 8:31 PM
Very fine turning Tim! You are progressing very well!

Mark Hubl
04-11-2011, 2:40 PM
Tim, Nicely done. These look good as trios as well.