View Full Version : I Hate Cleaning

John Hart
04-09-2011, 6:49 PM
Well, a few days ago, an art gallery in the Cleveland area expressed an interest in making me one of their artists. I thought, "That's cool....must be some kind of flea market gallery". But it turns out that it is one of the nicer ones. I dunno...maybe they do drugs or lacquer or something. But anyway, they said, "We would like to come out and see your studio"
Now, I know the difference between a shop and a studio. My shop ain't no studio. It has too many spider webs. Then they emailed me late last night and said, "We would like to come out on Sunday morning." :eek:

The past two years have been very difficult for us. Many broken things....lots of shop usage....massive cutting.....no cleaning. So, I discovered with this wonderful email, that I had 1 day to clean 2 years worth of sawdust, spiders, mouse poop, cutoffs, and neglect.

A couple weeks ago, I cleaned up the big chunks, so that helped a bit.

But anyway...I'll shut up. I got it cleaned today. Took 10 hours. I never stopped to eat or nuthin'.

And this thread is just a bunch of pictures. (there's probably 30 of them...so I'll make several posts to do this)


Cool branding from an old crate
Finishing Room


Photo booth

Finishing Room

John Hart
04-09-2011, 6:53 PM

John Hart
04-09-2011, 6:54 PM

John Hart
04-09-2011, 6:56 PM

John Hart
04-09-2011, 7:00 PM
Ok...and this is the last one. This is the diesel room. It runs the 5 HP compressor in the foreground, and also runs my generator when we lose power. The former inhabitants used this to run all the woodworking tools in the shop

Pete Jordan
04-09-2011, 7:01 PM
Wow John!

You might want to build a small shop near by and keep this one clean. Congrats on the Art Gallery!

Bernie Weishapl
04-09-2011, 7:03 PM
John that is quite a shop and a really nice setup. I hope things work out for you with the gallery. As clean as it is you must have steered clear of the lacquer.:eek::rolleyes:;)

David E Keller
04-09-2011, 7:09 PM
That's cool, John. Congrats on the gallery... Your shop is now a studio.

BTW, you've got the fanciest chopsaw table I've ever seen.

Dan Forman
04-09-2011, 7:12 PM
Now John, it's all fine and good to show the after cleaning pics, but what we really want to see is how it started out!

Congrat's on the gallery interest, and the great cleaning job. Sometimes all it takes is a little motivation. :) Hope it pans out for you.


Steve Schlumpf
04-09-2011, 7:49 PM
John - I am excited for you! It's one thing to chase a gallery down to try and get in but to have them call you.... that is cool! I hope everything works out and they offer you the standard Rich & Famous contract!

Studio looks pretty impressive and big enough that you could rollerskate between machines! Hope all goes well with your meeting tomorrow! Keep us in the loop please!

David DeCristoforo
04-09-2011, 7:58 PM
Gallery... goood! But it's too bad you cleaned your "studio". Gallery types like to see "interesting" work spaces. The more crud they have to wade through the better. Now it's going to take you months to get it comfortable again...

Tim Thiebaut
04-09-2011, 8:13 PM
Congrats on the gallery being interested in you! I was going to comment on your chop saw table but David beat me to it...pretty fancy. Seriously though I love your shop, it would be nice to have room to spread out like that.

Dick Wilson
04-09-2011, 8:30 PM
John, After cleaning you remember that you have a lot of room not being used, what to do with all that empty space. WALLA!! Mustard Monster time!:D:D:D

Throw some shavings around the lathe. Let your visitors see that work is being done. They are not going to do a white glove inspection.

Good luck.

John Keeton
04-09-2011, 8:30 PM
Well, I am impressed!!! Great shop, lots of neat tools, and I like the finishing room - wish I had a separate area I could close off from the rest of the shop. Did you save all the chips and sawdust so you can throw it all back in there when they leave? No way will you be comfortable without it.

Hope the gallery situation develops into some sales!!

Michael James
04-09-2011, 8:30 PM
Congratulations on the offer AND getting that shop presentable for the artisto-cats! Best of luck.

Leo Van Der Loo
04-09-2011, 8:54 PM
You couldn't have had much in there John, if you where able to clean it all in just 10 hours, I also know that I wouldn't be able to work in a place like that, just thinking I might make it al messy :eek:

I see one lathe a grinder and a bandsaw, but what are all the other machines for anyway ?? :D :p

Just make sure you have fun John, life is toooo short for drudgery and being pressured by other peoples likes, good luck, and start making that SHOP livable again ;) :D:D

John Hart
04-09-2011, 9:18 PM
You might want to build a small shop near by and keep this one clean

I was thinking that too Pete. Maybe carve out an 8X8 cubbyhole in the basement like I used to have.:eek: Maybe not. :)

As clean as it is you must have steered clear of the lacquer.

Nope Bernie....I was putting five coats on the whole time. Happy as a clam :)

BTW, you've got the fanciest chopsaw table I've ever seen.

That table was given to me by my grandmother in her will. She felt that I would like to refinish it.
I don't want to refinish it.:p

Now John, it's all fine and good to show the after cleaning pics, but what we really want to see is how it started out!

Ya know Dan....I had the camera...and I looked at the mess....and I said, "nah....I'm gonna let this just go away.

Studio looks pretty impressive and big enough that you could rollerskate between machines! Hope all goes well with your meeting tomorrow! Keep us in the loop please!

Thanks Steve...will do. Maybe it'll turn into nothing. Maybe they just wanted an excuse to come to Middlefield and buy some maple syrup.

But it's too bad you cleaned your "studio". Gallery types like to see "interesting" work spaces. The more crud they have to wade through the better. Now it's going to take you months to get it comfortable again...

I don't think it'll take months. I have a lathe.:)

I love your shop, it would be nice to have room to spread out like that.
Thanks Tim....I've always had a little tiny space (for nearly 30 years) This is like heaven, and it's really the reason I bought the house. ;)

Mustard Monster time!!
Nope....My next step is to build one. If you look at some of the pics, you'll see large blue structures of steel. Total weight is 1500 pounds, and will be driven by the 21 HP diesel. Largest possible diameter: 6 feet. Longest length: 8 feet.

wish I had a separate area I could close off from the rest of the shop
Nothing quite like it John. Having a finishing room was a HUGE dream of mine.

Congratulations on the offer AND getting that shop presentable for the artisto-cats! Best of luck.

Thanks Michael.....I just hope they're not too snobby. They might think it's a studio....but I still live out in the sticks, and there's an aroma in the air that can only come from my neighbors wanting their pasture to be green this summer.

Just make sure you have fun John, life is toooo short for drudgery and being pressured by other peoples likes
Will do Leo. I intend to live up to your advice....every day. :)

Curt Stivison
04-09-2011, 9:26 PM
Looks really neat and clean. I just hope it wasn't the crazy guy down the street that called claiming to be a gallery. lol Good luck tomorrow


Harry Robinette
04-09-2011, 9:30 PM
Nice shop wish mine was that big.Hope everything works out with the gallery. Would you possibly sell your chop saw table I'd love to have it if it's in any kind of decent shape.

Gary Max
04-09-2011, 9:33 PM
Heck I remember your old shop--------gots to love all the space in the new one. Wish you the best of luck.

John Hart
04-09-2011, 9:46 PM
Nice shop wish mine was that big.Hope everything works out with the gallery. Would you possibly sell your chop saw table I'd love to have it if it's in any kind of decent shape.

Sure Harry. Lemme check with mamma cuz she always gets the last word. (The last word was, "get this out of the house") It's in great shape...there is some chipping that I think can be worked out. I just don't want to do it. I'll send you a PM when I get permission.

John Hart
04-09-2011, 9:47 PM
Heck I remember your old shop--------gots to love all the space in the new one. Wish you the best of luck.

Thanks Gary. Yep...the old shop was smaller that my new finishing room. Whats funny is I had a lot of this stuff packed in there. How'd I do dat?

John Hart
04-09-2011, 9:49 PM
Looks really neat and clean. I just hope it wasn't the crazy guy down the street that called claiming to be a gallery. lol Good luck tomorrow


You're killing me Curt!!! :) Lucky for me...the crazy guy down the street doesn't have a phone....or electricity.... :)

James Combs
04-09-2011, 10:10 PM
Wow John!

You might want to build a small shop near by and keep this one clean. Congrats on the Art Gallery!

Or better yet build a small "Studio" off the main shop. That way you can do all the rough stuff in the main building and add the "artistic" touches in the studio or just showoff your stuff in the studio.

Baxter Smith
04-09-2011, 10:41 PM
Congrats on the gallery offer and goodluck with the tour. Don't forget to set the alarm so you can head out there early with the Endust and windex.:)

John Hart
04-10-2011, 6:24 AM
Or better yet build a small "Studio" off the main shop. That way you can do all the rough stuff in the main building and add the "artistic" touches in the studio or just showoff your stuff in the studio.

What I was thinking, when I bought this property, was that the loft upstairs would be a great place for wood storage and/or a private gallery of my own. I had visions of a man-cave with furniture, independent heating, stereo, shag carpet, cinder block stereo cabinet, lava lamp....you know....the classy stuff. ;)
I still intend on doing something like that. The loft actually has more floor space and higher ceilings than the shop, and right now, I'm just storing a bunch of junk from the move, that belongs in a dumpster.

Don't forget to set the alarm so you can head out there early with the Endust and windex.
Well...here I am. Up early. But for some reason, I just feel like having my coffee, and taking a tylenol. Maybe I'm just as sore as you were after your wood run. :)

Jim Adkins
04-10-2011, 11:20 AM
+1 on David's comment on the Fancy Chop Saw Table!!. Also note the fine Kick Wheel sitting next to the "Fancy Table" musta been a potter once upon a time OR.....maybe it belongs to John's LYB. BTW...Nice shop, best of luck with the Gallery people.

Hayes Rutherford
04-10-2011, 11:54 AM
John, looks like a great space to spend time in. Also, you could make clay models for all your lathe projects!!

John Hart
04-10-2011, 12:16 PM
Well...thanks everyone. :) Yes...I do have many years of pottery under my belt. If you look at the pics of the blue pieces of steel, you will see a large silver thing....That's a kiln. Sorta fell away from that when the lathe arrived.

So..the news: It looks like the cleaning paid off. They want 12 pieces. :)
And they want me to get the giant lathe built. :)

I guess I have some work to do

Steve Schlumpf
04-10-2011, 12:20 PM
Congrats! Was waiting to hear the good news and 12 pieces is a very good start!

Baxter Smith
04-10-2011, 12:24 PM
Great news! 12 is impressive!

Curt Fuller
04-10-2011, 12:39 PM
Hey John, congratulations on passing the inspection. I'd be doing cartwheels around that clean shop if I could get 12 pieces in a gallery. Good luck on them all selling and the next 12!

John Hart
04-10-2011, 1:56 PM
Thanks guys. I just came in for a minute to get something to drink after doing all my cartwheels :) I'm pretty excited.

In fact, I was just out in the shop moving all that steel. I'm going to try and get the base frame of the giant lathe built today. I'll grab the camera and start taking pics.

One thing is for certain.....the folks at the gallery prefer BIG.

But really, it was a nice visit. We walked around the property and talked about photography. (Alan Brown is a pro photographer as well) Discussed my methodology....talked about how clean the shop was. They were shocked at the potential dangers of our fine art and amazed at the idea that we would see anything in a tree other than "it's just a tree"

They are totally awed by Natural Edge Turning....and equally awed by our ability to "see" figure while it's still under the bark. I thought that was interesting cuz I thought everyone could see it.

Anyway, they hung around for an hour or so, and explained the ins and outs of the art biz, what their expectations are, the types of commitments that they expect from me and the commitments that I should expect from them. They're into relationship-building. The number 12 is the minimum they want, so they can build a showcase around an artist.

Anyway...I best get out to the...umm....studio.

Thanks again for all the support. It helps. :)

David E Keller
04-10-2011, 2:21 PM
Congrats, John! I hope you have fun turning the first dozen, and I can't wait to see the monster lathe when it's done.

Cathy Schaewe
04-11-2011, 11:07 AM
This is great! I love the pics! 12 pieces is a wonderful start - I'm very happy for you!

Mark Hubl
04-11-2011, 2:52 PM
Congrats on the gallery and passing the audition! Man, your place is giving me a big case of shop envy! Can't wait to see them really big pieces!

David Reed
04-11-2011, 4:31 PM
Obviously they were as impressed as I was. Maybe I just need a swift kick in the pants cuz no one has made that call as yet. I think it's a family conspiracy. I keep making stuff and with no room for it, I give it away to family and friends. Hmmmmmmmm

Dan Forman
04-11-2011, 4:53 PM
Congrat's on the gallery front, sounds like a very good start, - they seem to take a real interest in their artists. Did you ask them if you have to KEEP the shop clean? :) I forgot to mention what a nice BIG shop you have the first time.


John Hart
04-11-2011, 5:49 PM
Thanks a bunch everyone. We're all pretty excited around here. For what it's worth, David Reed, giving stuff away to family and friends is all I have ever done. I didn't want to get into selling stuff until I knew what "my style" was. I was told by a great turner, "Pick what you like and stick with it....hone it....and develop 'your' style". I can't say that the last few day's events are a result of that. But they liked what they saw and I guess that's good enough!

Dan...it was funny..the president of the gallery just came out of nowhere and said with a chuckle, "You must have cleaned all day yesterday....I expected piles of shavings and sawdust" Then as they were leaving, he said, "Well, we'll get out of your hair so you can mess the place up again.":D

One thing that was really interesting, is the VP had me sign my name on the back of her business card....she was verifying that it was the same as on the bottom of one of my pieces. Interesting.

Charles McKinley
04-11-2011, 11:55 PM
Congrats John!

Is the giant lathe the one you were batting ideas around shortly after you moved in?

Do you have a design in mind? As I remember you were considering something with a lot of cement. What did you finally decide on as the power interupt from the diesel motor? If all of this is in a post during my extended absence please point me towards it.

Congrats again,

Ian Jeffcock
04-12-2011, 3:18 AM
I may have to take a break and dig out.

John Hart
04-12-2011, 5:43 AM
Do you have a design in mind? As I remember you were considering something with a lot of cement. What did you finally decide on as the power interupt from the diesel motor? If all of this is in a post during my extended absence please point me towards it.

Charles..Thank you. And Yes..I just started building the lathe. You'll find the thread here: http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?163973-Giant-Lathe...The-Beginning

I decided that I don't need the concrete and I'm leaning toward a pneumatic clutch for the power interrupt. I haven't even started discussing that stuff yet though. Still a long way to go.:o

I may have to take a break and dig out.

Ian..that is a great shot!!! Can I steal it for my website? :)

John W Dixon
04-12-2011, 9:55 AM
That is great news regarding the gallery, Congratulations! I love your separate finishing room. That is really nice. I'm also interested in your photo booth. Do you external lighting on that or is there light inside it?

John Hart
04-12-2011, 10:02 AM
That is great news regarding the gallery, Congratulations! I love your separate finishing room. That is really nice. I'm also interested in your photo booth. Do you external lighting on that or is there light inside it?

Thanks John. :) The photobooth is fairly rudimentary. A simple pine frame arch that holds 3 small florescent light fixtures. I bent some thin 1/8" plywood around the back so there's a rounded "stage" to the rear. The lights flood the area without directly shining on the piece, which sits back on the stage. The white refractive floor and backdrop is made up of disposable bath towels. :)