View Full Version : Google Advanced searches

John Keeton
04-08-2011, 1:25 PM
As one might imagine, the resource material contained in the hundreds of thousands of SMC posts is beyond comprehension. Although the new VBulletin software is better, the search engine for the creek does not work well for me.

Since the beginning, I have used Google Advanced searches for finding information on the creek. I would highly recommend that mode of search for all creekers. If you are not familiar with the Advanced Search feature, open Google, and click the blue Advanced Search button to the right of the Google search bar. In the top section, use one of the three search parameters, then go to the bottom of the page and fill in the domain as sawmillcreek.org. I normally use only the top line for the search parameter.

So that this is turning related (and one of the other mods doesn't move this thread!:D) I used this method just in the last few minutes to find prior threads dealing with carbide inserts for Easy Rougher style carbide turning tools so I could respond to a request for information that had been posted. The thread I was searching for was on the first page of hits.

You can accomplish the same thing by using the following search on the regular Google search page - carbide inserts site:sawmillcreek.org Such an entry will give you all posts on SMC containing the words carbide inserts. If you want to refine it, simply add words to the search phrase.

Perhaps a lot of you use this method, but I thought I would pass it along. Hope it helps!!

Mark Hubl
04-08-2011, 1:39 PM
Good reminder John. I have used this as an alternative to the search engine here as well.

Steve Schlumpf
04-08-2011, 2:06 PM
John - that works but am curious - how is it different than our own advanced search?

Maria Alvarado
04-08-2011, 2:13 PM
John - that works but am curious - how is it different than our own advanced search?

Try searching BLO with each method. It definitely works better for short words (which most acronyms are 3-letters or so long) than the vBulletin. Or maybe I'm not clicking something in the site Advanced Search that would get terms like BLO or DNA.

Brian Effinger
04-08-2011, 2:14 PM
John - great tip, although I think that if you use the search box in the top right corner of the page (right under "log out") it will do a google search of the creek. I just tried it out and had the google search you described opened in another tab, and they appear to be identical.

If you use the "Search Forum" drop down that is right above the threads (right next to "forum tools") that will search with vbulletin's inferior search software.

Brian Effinger
04-08-2011, 2:19 PM
Try searching BLO with each method. It definitely works better for short words (which most acronyms are 3-letters or so long) than the vBulletin. Or maybe I'm not clicking something in the site Advanced Search that would get terms like BLO or DNA.

Maria, that kind of search works if you use the method I described above. The unfortunate thing, is that it searches all of SMC for that particular word - in this case, BLO.

Maria Alvarado
04-08-2011, 2:34 PM
Yes, either google method (box above or google page) allows searches of short words. VBulletin, not so much. I did get it to limit to the Turner's forum using this:
BLO site:sawmillcreek.org/forumdisplay.php?20-Turner-s-Forum

John Keeton
04-08-2011, 2:42 PM
John - that works but am curious - how is it different than our own advanced search?Don't know!!??!?:confused: To be honest, I have always used the Google method as when I joined SMC, I couldn't find anything. Perhaps, as Brian has noted, it can be done from within SMC using Google. I have never tried the new search feature!

Old habits die hard!!!:D

Steve Schlumpf
04-08-2011, 3:43 PM
Maria - you are right - short terms do not work here. I do find using the advanced search works well with larger words or multiple terms. You can select thread or post, user name and also which forum you want to search in. If you note - at the top of the advanced search page - you can select Single or Multi content types. The single content searches for post or threads within one forum - which you select. For me ... his has always worked and just like John said... Old Habits.

I will give a try to the Google search option the next time - if I remember it is there!

Jeff Caskie
04-08-2011, 5:54 PM
I also like to use date parameters in my advanced google search... which should be -d60 -y1 etc for last ~2 months or last year etc. Not really necessary when you want to find all posts on a subject, but good for when you want to see the latest on a subject.

James Combs
04-08-2011, 7:58 PM
John - that works but am curious - how is it different than our own advanced search?

Ditto Steve's Question. If I use the search box at the top/right of "this" page I get Google search results of 731 hits. If I open a new tab or window and use Google's advance search as you suggest I get Google search results of 731 hits. Both appear to be the exact same list except in slightly different order. The only issue I see with using the search box at the top/right of "this" page is that it would be better if it opened in a separate tab or window instead of replacing the SMC window.

Michelle Rich
04-09-2011, 7:40 AM
being a computer canoodle I had no idea how one used advanced search on google, not only that, that I could search for info on Sawmill...so thank you for the education John.

Keith Outten
04-09-2011, 8:08 AM
The vBulletin search engine will not allow 3 letter word searches.
Because it would stop our server almost immediately!
Our new server is incredibly fast but it can't handle that kind of search load.
Most of the time there are hundreds of people here who are all using the search engine simultaneously, remember the search engine also handles the "New Posts" requests, this is a huge load in itself.

A very large number of people here are not power users who know how to use a search engine efficiently. Their 3 letter word searches would cripple The Creek, others would do it intentionally just to cause trouble. We do have trolls, hackers and crackers to deal with folks and it is a big job believe me. The next time you login and The Creek seems to be running slow you can probably blame it on the amount of search activity.

Lee Koepke
04-09-2011, 8:13 AM
thanks for the info keith .... I was looking for 'ash' so I could find an ash bowl someone posted recently and it wouldnt let me. Makes sense!