View Full Version : New to the gloat thing...does this qualify?

Mike Cruz
04-07-2011, 1:33 PM
Okay, maybe that is a bit of a stretch, but I thought I'd just share what I found on CL. In his CL ad (under tools...go figure) he said he had some apple, thought it was too nice to burn, and wondered if any turners would want it. I left him a message and a week later, I got a call. Neither of us could get together for at least another week, and he said he'd call me. I never got a call, so, just to be sure (and to be able to cross it off my list of "keep that in mind..."s, I gave him one last call...left a message. Oh well...it was a good try. He calls me a day or two later and says it is still available. Look what I picked up today! Listen, I'm 6' 1 " 200 lbs. I could BARELY lift three of these things into my truck. Got some (more) turning to do...

Oh, and he seemed pleasantly surprised when I told him I'd send him a bowl. ;)

And, BTW, that is a 20" chainsaw in its case in the front of the bed...

Steve Schlumpf
04-07-2011, 1:36 PM
Nope... doesn't qualify - do you want me to delete your post?

Steve Schlumpf
04-07-2011, 1:37 PM
Ah, seriously - that is some great looking wood! Make sure you seal it ASAP as Apple can start checking as soon as it is cut!

Mark Hubl
04-07-2011, 1:49 PM
U asked for it. U suck. Nice wood, like Steve said apple is cracky. Good luck.

John Hart
04-07-2011, 1:53 PM
Yep...definitely a gloat. Apple doesn't come around every day. Yule Love It. And it's gnarly too. Gonna be purty. :)

Mike Cruz
04-07-2011, 1:56 PM
Thanks guys. I'm about to get out there, unload it, and seal it right now...

Tim Rinehart
04-07-2011, 2:58 PM
Nothing like a nonchalant gloat on big apple chunks!! Between you and Baxter...man you guys have scored some pretty apple.
You may want to ask any questions to him, as he's done a bit of it recently, if I recall.
I would suggest cutting into final blanks any sections that aren't needing to stay whole, getting rid of the pith and be sure to seal well. If Anchorseal2...at least two coats and before first one completely drys get second coat on. If Anchorseal original...less of an issue.
Have fun with that, can't wait to see something from that haul!! Geez...Free apple wood on CL...that's why I check almost every morning for new 'free' posts!!

Ken Hill
04-07-2011, 3:30 PM
Good haul Mike

I just turned a piece of the apple 2 hours ago,that Baxter gave me when you all were here. It was still nice and wet being stored in that tub with a trash bag as a vapor seal!

Fred Perreault
04-07-2011, 5:12 PM
Betcha there are some neat things hiding in that there apple... you lucky dog... :)

David DeCristoforo
04-07-2011, 6:11 PM
Hey... it's wood and it's free. I'm not sure if there are rules regarding what is or is not a "gloat" but I'm sure this would fall in there somewhere...

Jim Burr
04-07-2011, 6:21 PM
You gonna use your lathe Mike? Might get dirty..

Mike Cruz
04-07-2011, 7:33 PM
Jim, its been dirty. She hasn't been clean for a while now. Part of the reason I kept her clean for so long. I knew it wouldn't last...;)

Well, I really couldn't wait. I was sealing up all the pieces and decided to cut one up. Just roughed out of course, but turned none the less. It is 8" across. Pics aren't so great, used my cell phone...but you get the picture. This might be the one I give the guy. It is sitting in a DNA tub. I'll leave it in there for a couple days at least. Then, once it has sat...hopefully no cracks, I'll see if I can force some epoxy into that crevass...to try to keep it from breaking apart on me. I think it'll turn out to be a nice bowl...

Baxter Smith
04-07-2011, 8:31 PM
Nice haul Mike. The colors in the bowl are great but....that bark inclusion in the rim may not take no for an answer when it starts to dry. Hopefully the DNA will work/win out. I would pick the soundest/most balanced sections to turn first. Good luck with it!

Jim Burr
04-07-2011, 8:40 PM
Oh yeah..that's gonna come out nice. Have a finish picked out yet?

John Hart
04-07-2011, 9:38 PM
Wow....that's dazzling. Mike....do you have a 10" pot? Apple has a lot of sugar in it and sometimes boiling will help it behave better.

Brian McInturff
04-07-2011, 10:14 PM
That is a nice haul! And the roughed out bowl is going to look SWEET!

Mike Cruz
04-08-2011, 12:09 AM
Thanks, guys. Always nice to hear that you like it. Of course, you're saying you like the wood, not the craftsmanship ;)...but I'll take it either way. :D Seriously, though, I know it is a very basic and plain shape to the bowl itself. There is no wow factor there. Again, this (as long as it doesn't fall apart) will likely go to the guy that gave me the wood. Hope he likes it.