View Full Version : I Gots The Sniffles

John Hart
04-07-2011, 12:25 PM
Ya know....it all started when my neighbor came by with his buggy loaded up with exotic hardwood. He sez to me he sez, "Can you do anything with this stuff?...Otherwise, I'm just gonna burn it."

Well....gee Henry....hmmmm....let me think....ya got rosewood, curly walnut, hard maple, zebrawood, mahogany, teak.....hmmm. Go ahead and burn it. No...wait...no sense in you hauling it all the way back to your house. Just leave it here, and I'll find some use for it. ;)

So we unloaded it. I gave his son a little Top.

He came back a week later with another load....and a different son. So I gave him a Top too.

Anyways....I've been turning rosewood everyday for about 2 weeks now. And my nose won't stop running. I've tried everything....kleenex.....lacquer.....earplugs.... nothing works.

I know I know....Trend Airshield....Respirator.....dust mask....spray lacquer on your mustache. Yep...I know all the precautions. I'm smart. :)

Oh....don't forget, "Don't go to bed with your hair full of rosewood dust" That's a new one I just thought of.;)

So anyway...I'm just looking for sympathy for my sniffles. I figure Baxter will feel sorry for me. :)

Scott Lux
04-07-2011, 12:39 PM
Tell you what, I'll drive up and haul the rest of that horrible stuff away for you. It'd be a sacrifice, but I'm willing to do it for you, John.

Mark Hubl
04-07-2011, 12:39 PM
First of all, what goes on in Ohio? Who has freakish neighbors traipsing around distributing free exotic hardwood. You deserve a usuck just for having your own wood fairy! Now, I am sorry to hear you have been afflicted by the dreaded exotic wood allergy. No really, I am. Stop turning the stuff, and don't switch right to walnut. Turn some maple. I would also consult with Keeton, it may have been negligent on your fairy's part to give you wood that would cause pain and suffering. The fairy may be forced to buy the next box of Kleenex.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-07-2011, 12:48 PM
Sympathy is in the dictionary Hart!

You lucky rascal!

bob svoboda
04-07-2011, 12:51 PM
Asking for sympathy in the same post as gloating about free exotic wood is simply over the top, even for a lacquer involved person.

Trevor Howard
04-07-2011, 1:22 PM
Asking for sympathy in the same post as gloating about free exotic wood is simply over the top, even for a lacquer involved person.

This is no goat, remember, no pictures didn't happen. So also no sympathy :)

Roger Chandler
04-07-2011, 1:23 PM
Geez John..........I am not sure it is the wood dust or the lacquer fumes? :p Seriously, I have a suggestion.

Because of my allergies, I purchased a nasal irrigation system that my allergist recommended. It really cleans out the sinuses, and makes a huge difference in not developing sinus infections which can lead further to pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses like bronchitis.



John, this is the real deal, and it works and is doctor recommended. It will be one of the best $80.00 you ever invested in your health!

John Hart
04-07-2011, 1:23 PM
I also have a splinter in my sock.

It's really bothering me.

Steve Schlumpf
04-07-2011, 1:25 PM
John - have you considered turning while under water? That would eliminate the dust problem for you...

Hope you feel better soon!

Mike Cruz
04-07-2011, 1:25 PM
I feel you dripping, I mean pain. Sorry that you've had to take on the responsiblity of making tops for youngins...and all you get in return is a lousy heap of wood. Some people have no idea how hard those tops are to make. I think you'll have to have a sit down with this neighbor of yours...

John Hart
04-07-2011, 1:25 PM
Hey Roger...I think I have some of that stuff. The kids needed it for something. I think I'll try it!!

See?.....Roger cares.

I like Roger. :)

John Hart
04-07-2011, 1:28 PM
Sympathy is in the dictionary Hart!

You lucky rascal!

Hey Kenny!! Where you been. Thought you fell off the planet.

John Hart
04-07-2011, 1:56 PM
This is no goat, remember, no pictures didn't happen. So also no sympathy :)

That's a good point. I don't have any pictures of my kleenex...but I do have some of the wood that caused it. But I don't have them on me right now. I'll have to post an update later so I can get sympathy.

Can I get sympathy credit?

Dick Wilson
04-07-2011, 2:05 PM
John, I don't know how much wood you got. Two loads sounds like a lot. And all you gave them was TWO tops???:(:( I think what you are suffering from is sub-conscience guilt.

ray hampton
04-07-2011, 2:13 PM
what you need more than anything is to get your hands on a loaf of molded bread and turn it [ mold as in green ]

John Hart
04-07-2011, 2:26 PM
John, I don't know how much wood you got. Two loads sounds like a lot. And all you gave them was TWO tops???:(:( I think what you are suffering from is sub-conscience guilt.

Well...not really. I gave him some bricks too. He really liked the bricks.:)

And it's not really two loads. It's a load every week or so until the loft above my shop can't hold anymore. So...that's about 2500 sq ft with a 15ft ceiling. (He works at one of those fancy schmancy cabinet shops and they normally burn all the cutoffs...and most of these cutoffs are over 2 feet long)

So...you think I oughta give him another couple tops?:confused:

He has 9 kids. They're probably fighting over those two.

I'll turn some moldy bread...and then make some more tops.;)

Baxter Smith
04-07-2011, 8:52 PM
So anyway...I'm just looking for sympathy for my sniffles. I figure Baxter will feel sorry for me. :)
I am so sorry you are under the weather John! Make sure you use the extra soft kleenex, the cheap stuff can be hard on the nose. Oh, and put some bactine on that splinter. I will try and post some cheery pictures later to cheer you up.

John Hart
04-07-2011, 8:54 PM
Ok...I found a picture. This is after the first load he brought over. The box is mostly smaller rosewood pieces. The stuff on the floor is walnut, maple, teak, rosewood, cherry..etc. Just things that they couldn't use.

Thanks Baxter!! I feel better already!! :)

Roger Chandler
04-07-2011, 9:15 PM
Ok...I found a picture. This is after the first load he brought over. The box is mostly smaller rosewood pieces. The stuff on the floor is walnut, maple, teak, rosewood, cherry..etc. Just things that they couldn't use.

Thanks Baxter!! I feel better already!! :)

Okay, some guys just step into bliss without even trying! I rejoice for you Professor Hart, cause that is a might nice situation you have there!

David E Keller
04-07-2011, 9:44 PM
I think that's an awesome deal! With the glue ups you use for a lot of your vase forms, these smaller pieces must be pretty handy.

What's the hole in the floor with the blue hoses coming out of it?(Top left of the photo)

Brian McInturff
04-07-2011, 9:53 PM
Yeah, I'm trying to figure out the hole too. A florescent light in the hole and a fire hose? What the heck you growing down there???????:eek: I better have a talk to some of my DEA buddies....;)

Roger Chandler
04-07-2011, 9:53 PM
Hart..............did you lose your broom and dust pan? :rolleyes: We here at the creek would like to encourage you that neat and organized make for a happier and more productive life.............your thoughts will be clearer because the air will not have dust floating before your eyes as you try to make that last cut.;)

JK has posted so many pics of how it should be done............BTW, I vacuumed my shop today!:D:D:D:D:p

Sorry John ............when I took another look at your pile of wood in the picture, I saw the sawdust collected on the floor, and I just had to yank on your chain just a little! :p:D All meant in good humor..........no offense intended!

John Hart
04-07-2011, 9:59 PM
What's the hole in the floor with the blue hoses coming out of it?(Top left of the photo)

Well...as I think you know, I bought an Amish house...complete with woodshop. The shop is a whole separate 50X50 building with a loft

Now, the way the amish do woodworking is they buy industrial, and high grade tools, tear out the motors and replace them with pulleys.
Then, they put a trench in the floor and run a two inch diameter line shaft the full length of the shop. The line shaft has a series of pulleys at each station where a tool sits.

The line shaft is driven by a 21 HP diesel engine. They just run drivebelts from the trench to each machine with pneumatic clutches to engage the machine when they want to use it. The diesel also drives a large compressor that charges a 500 gallon air tank.

What you see there is the trench. And the blue hose is a fire hose that I have hooked up to a sump pump. Because every spring, the snow melt saturates everything, and I get seepage into the trench. So I pump it out every few days til the spring thaw is over.

I still use the diesel to run the compressor, and also have a 10KW generator driven by the line shaft for power outages. I'm also going to use it to drive my giant lathe....if I ever get it built.:o

Sorry for the long explanation.

John Hart
04-07-2011, 10:01 PM
Yeah, I'm trying to figure out the hole too. A florescent light in the hole and a fire hose? What the heck you growing down there???????:eek: I better have a talk to some of my DEA buddies....;)

heh heh...that's funny!! I never noticed that. It must be a reflection off the pump. There's no light down there. :)

Roger Chandler
04-07-2011, 10:04 PM
ooops! I do see a broom in that picture! :D

John Hart
04-07-2011, 10:06 PM
Hart..............did you lose your broom and dust pan? :rolleyes: We here at the creek would like to encourage you that neat and organized make for a happier and more productive life.............your thoughts will be clearer because the air will not have dust floating before your eyes as you try to make that last cut.;)

JK has posted so many pics of how it should be done............BTW, I vacuumed my shop today!:D:D:D:D:p

Sorry John ............when I took another look at your pile of wood in the picture, I saw the sawdust collected on the floor, and I just had to yank on your chain just a little! :p:D All meant in good humor..........no offense intended!

Roger...I really hate to break it to you. That IS clean!!!:D When I took the picture, I was cleaning up after several months of some pretty tough times. I'm still workin on it.:o

Brian McInturff
04-07-2011, 10:06 PM
Yeah, sure.;);) We won't tell.:D

What I would give for a shop that size. Just curious, was the line shaft with pulleys still intact when you bought the place? I might have to swing by that way when I'm on one of my work trips to Indiana. Looks like a really nice place John, and a lot of work.

John Hart
04-07-2011, 10:10 PM
Yeah, sure.;);) We won't tell.:D

What I would give for a shop that size. Just curious, was the line shaft with pulleys still intact when you bought the place? I might have to swing by that way when I'm on one of my work trips to Indiana. Looks like a really nice place John, and a lot of work.

You're quite welcome to visit Brian!! :)
The Line shaft was still in place when I bought it, but the folks that sold me the place asked if they could have it. (quite expensive and he wanted the same setup in his new house) So, I gave it up, but retained enough of it to drive the compressor and the generator.

Steve Vaughan
04-07-2011, 10:12 PM
My sinuses ain't running and I ain't got the sniffles, but after seeing that pic and for what all you're getting, I do have an issue of drool. And, I had the same question - what's with the hole in the floor and the blue hoses/strap things?

David Reed
04-07-2011, 10:57 PM
Really too bad about all that toxic wood dust in the shop. I'm thinkin that hole is access to the dungeon where all the wood elves are kept in chains unless they produce.
I once had a splinter in my sock. Found a nice mouse to help out with it. Would you like me to send you a nice mouse?
Email or fax?
Nice haul indeed but now you will have to produce.

Cathy Schaewe
04-08-2011, 10:57 PM
Ya, lots of sympathy here, right.
Seriously, you lucky dog, are you sure this isn't just a product of lacquer fumes and an overactive imagination??? Maybe your camera's been sniffing too...

David DeCristoforo
04-08-2011, 11:00 PM
Sorry to hear aboud your node. Rodewood can be like thab. Some peoble jud get stubbed ub when dhey breade id. Bedder send id to me... I doan hab thab probrem...