View Full Version : The carved vase that isn't...

John Keeton
04-05-2011, 8:23 PM
...carved, that is. This was to be a piece inspired by one by Doug Fisher. However, I just was not happy with the carving. And, the more I looked at the form, I didn't like it either.

I left enough thickness for the carving, so I grabbed the bowl gouge and took off a layer or two! I don't care for this piece for many reasons, including the required "step" under the collar. The base and collar were already done and fitted. When I removed the carving, I had to stop the removal at a point certain in order for the collar to fit.

This is not a form I will do again - it just doesn't work for me. Nice curly maple, and Claro walnut, but that is about it. 6" tall x 2.75 d.

Never look back!! On to the next one.

Roger Chandler
04-05-2011, 8:34 PM
Don't you just hate it when a concept does not pan out? I see where a different shape on the top would have made this one a better form, but not being able to fully visualize the original concept you had, and then the form you produced, likely that would have prevented any adjustment in the form, as it is hollow to the top.

Next one will be better........likely there is no way you would have 2 in a row that would offend your artists sensibilities.....;)

David DeCristoforo
04-05-2011, 8:43 PM
Turn it on it's side, add some hammered copper fins and name it "A-Bomb". Probably win all kinds of awards. Really though, it ain't bad at all. But I know, first hand, how disappointing it can be when an idea does not come together (remember my recent striped ebony "bomb"?) Hey, maybe we could put them together, name them "Fat Man and Little Boy", call it a collaboration and we'll both get famous!

Baxter Smith
04-05-2011, 8:49 PM
Pretty wood John. I applaud you on the willingness to try different shapes and carving - with something other than your bowl gouge.:)

John Keeton
04-05-2011, 8:51 PM
David, "Bomb" would be a good title for this one!! Similar form. On the vase forms, I like a more bold shoulder, but for the carving I had in mind, it needed less curvature. I think it would have worked OK if the carving (and some pyro was planned) had worked out. But, I am kind of glad I elected to end this one short of completion. My interest was waning.

Lee Koepke
04-05-2011, 8:55 PM
maybe its just upside down?

Curt Fuller
04-05-2011, 8:56 PM
I would have liked to have seen the carving before you turned it away. But I have to agree that this form and the combination of the foot and collar don't hit the mark. Better luck next time.

Roger Chandler
04-05-2011, 8:56 PM
John........a question related to your original intentions.........with the carving and pyro work you had anticipated, how long do you surmise a completed project would have taken? Many hours for many days, or maybe several weeks?

I ask because, part of the allure of turning for a lot of turners is that the project completion time is abbreviated by a good bit.........seems like some embellishments require a lot of planning and a lot of time to complete.

John Keeton
04-05-2011, 9:43 PM
Roger, I think the carving could have been completed in 6-7 hours, had I possessed the proper tools, and taken the time to do it correctly. In decades past, I did a lot of carving on longrifles, but then I had some homemade tools that were specifically designed for the task. The pyro work - probably another couple of hours.

Cathy Schaewe
04-05-2011, 9:47 PM
Could you take the base off, or just turn it down to a thin stripe, and add a finial? I know, I know, you want to be rid of it.

Harry Robinette
04-05-2011, 10:01 PM
Very pretty wood John.

Steve Schlumpf
04-05-2011, 10:24 PM
John.... needs more cow bell!

Seriously - I would add a walnut finial that is a reverse of the curve from the shoulder to the lid. Something that is very contemporary and the piece would win awards. Call it curly penguin!

David E Keller
04-05-2011, 10:46 PM
You're human! Too bad that it didn't come to fruition the way you had hoped, but I'll bet you can scrounge up another piece of wood to start anew. It's a heck of a lot better looking than my reject turnings.

Mark Hubl
04-05-2011, 11:51 PM
Oh well, the form is definetly a little off. So, now you can practice the carving and pyro.

Jim Burr
04-06-2011, 12:12 AM
Hmmm...well, uhhh...yeah. Good looking wood! What's next!

Brian Effinger
04-06-2011, 12:35 AM
"Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes." - Oscar Wilde

If you weren't having fun, then it is probably best to move on.


Steve might be on to something with the finial idea. And the name. :D

John.... needs more cow bell!
:D :D :D

Lupe Duncan
04-06-2011, 1:55 AM
I can totaly see the penguin in that piece.

I like Cowbell...... and that piece....

John Keeton
04-06-2011, 7:49 AM
...I would add a walnut finial that is a reverse of the curve from the shoulder to the lid. Something that is very contemporary and the piece would win awards. Call it curly penguin!Well....I am torn between moving on, and the "curly penguin call!!!":D No great loss either way, and if I find a little time, I may just take a shot at a finial and see what happens! Surely, it can't make this one any worse, so it is a no risk situation.

Roger Chandler
04-06-2011, 8:15 AM
Penquin?! Okay, now I vote for a redo.............I want to see the penquin! Can you dye the piece so it also has a tuxedo? I want to see the penquin! You could name it "happy feet" after the penquin animated movie, even if you are not a treehugger! :eek::D:rolleyes:

No pressure! :p :D

Sid Matheny
04-06-2011, 9:15 AM
I must be crazy because I love this one. Maybe because that it is a little odd or something but I really like it. You get a thumbs up from me John.


Roland Martin
04-06-2011, 9:17 AM
Real nice figure, a penguin with a real nice figure, go for it:D

Doug W Swanson
04-06-2011, 9:25 AM
I don't think it's that bad. Could you turn a different collar and foot and flip it upside down? Might be worth a shot...

John Hart
04-06-2011, 12:15 PM
There are no trees in Antarctica

Gary Max
04-06-2011, 12:42 PM
John that happens to all of us-----Mondays work went into the woodburner, the Osage is a bear to work with.