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View Full Version : Aaarrrggggghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fred Voorhees
01-29-2005, 7:49 PM
Well, it was a long day in the shop today. Didn't end to well though. Picked up the flat screen television the other day and needed to fabricate a corner shelf for it to sit on for the new bar room project. The shelf will be supported by two cleats that will be lag screwed into the walls studs in four places. The front of the shelf will have a decorative face piece across it's front and below the shelf will be a cubby hole for the DirecTV reciever, vcr, dvd player and such.

Everything went well during most of the day. Late in the afternoon, I had just fabbed up the front face piece and needed to cut in a bead detail on the top and wanted to also round off the edges a tad. Set up the router table, tightened the bit in the collet and went to plug the machine in. Now, first things first. I don't know why the router was in the "on" position. I always have it off when it's stored. Well, I plugged it in and was greeted immediately with a grinding noise and even sparks from inside the cabinet. In a panic, I went to turn it off by its switch inside the cabinet, but couldn't for some reason find the switch. That was probably just the excitement/panic of the moment. I then quickly went to unplug it, but by then, the damage was done. Turns out that I hadn't released the lock on the spindle/shaft and I guess you know the rest of the story. It wasn't pretty. My Hitachi M-12V was toast. I could have sat right down on my shop floor and cried.

I unlocked the spindle and tried the router. It did turn back on, but there was obviously something amiss as the speed quickly began to climb and smoke was very evident. Turned it back off and decided to give it one more try in about an hour, though I knew what the results would probably be. It ran again but quickly died completely and now is a green doorstop.

I guess it must have been an omen that the Tool Crib catalog came today in the mail. Damn it hurt to lose my baby. I loved that router. Well, I wrapped things up in the shop an hour or so later and didn't take long to open up the Tool Crib catalog and phone in a replacement. Of course, it was another M-12V. Just plain sucks that that had to happen. Funny thing is, just the other day when I was on the router table, I had this very thought about what would happen if I ever started it up without unlocking the shaft. Damn!!!

Jim Becker
01-29-2005, 8:15 PM

Ouch...not a pretty thing to happen, Mr. Fred. BTW, did you consider hanging the flat screen with a VESA mounting system bracket and tucking the receiver, et al, somewhere behind the bar?

Fred Voorhees
01-29-2005, 8:38 PM
Didn't really consider that - though I had always had it in my mind that I would use some kind of shelf deal. I wired in a receptacle right there where the tv was going to be located and also put an extra box there to route the sattelite wiring into via a conduit from above in the attic over the room. The cubby idea also would keep all wires right there in the same area and they will be neatly concealed behind either the tv or behind the other stuff within the cubby hole. Plus, locating the reciever and other stuff behind the bar or elsewhere would have entailed more wiring than I cared to do. Besides, the bar isn't locked down fast anywhere. It is freestanding and it would have been kind of wacky to run wires into it from out of the wall somewhere.

It just hurts right now that I was so damned thoughtless not to unlock the danged router shaft. A perfectly good router out the window and the bar room project budget just went up another $160.00!!! Dang it!! That's after settling for an extra $1,200 or $1,300 more than I had planned on spending for the television.

Jim Becker
01-29-2005, 8:40 PM
Smile...it could have been a $300 router! ;)

Fred Voorhees
01-29-2005, 8:42 PM
Smile...it could have been a $300 router! ;)

I'm going to try to forget tonight by drowning myself in a few frozen marguerita's.

Jim Becker
01-29-2005, 8:45 PM
I'm going to try to forget tonight by drowning myself in a few frozen marguerita's.
Where's mine??? :D :D :D

Mark Singer
01-29-2005, 8:51 PM
Fred, Be sure to check the spindle lock on the blender:confused: It could have been a lot worse!
I'm going to try to forget tonight by drowning myself in a few frozen marguerita's.

Dennis McDonaugh
01-29-2005, 10:21 PM
Fred is that normal behavior for that router? My lowly Craftsman won't turn on when the spindle lock is on.

Keith Christopher
01-29-2005, 11:33 PM
You know what is sad ? Your 160$ router doesn't have a feature that my old 49.95$ Ryobi has, if the spindle is locked the router will NOT turn on. Sorry to hear about your router. always a shame to lose a good tool.